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二、货币形态的演变 ? 币材的一般特点:价值较高;使用价值广泛;易于让渡;易于分割、保存、携带。 ? 币材演变的一般过程:实物货币→金属货币→纸币和信用货币。 Early Forms of Money Before paper bills and coins were introduced, people used a variety of other objects for money. Early forms of money, shown here, included rice, dogs’ teeth, small tools, pebbles, and shells. Dorling Kindersley Microsoft ? Encarta ? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Gold Coins Gold has been used as money since ancient times. The metal is valuable because it is beautiful and easy to form into jewelry and other objects. Corbis/H.D. Thoreau Microsoft ? Encarta ? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Gold Bullion Many people buy and sell gold bricks, known as bullion, in the stock market. Gold is considered by many to be a safe investment during uncertain economic times. Photo Researchers, Inc./Tom McHugh Microsoft ? Encarta ? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Gold in Quartz Rock Gold can be found in its pure state in layers of rock underground. The gold veins here are in quartz rock. Corbis/Layne Kennedy Microsoft ? Encarta ? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Paper Money Throughout history, money has taken different forms. Today, paper money is very common, as these bills from different countries show. Corbis/William Taufic Microsoft ? Encarta ? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * (2)基本范畴和一般知识介绍与系统理论阐述兼顾,使教学内容的结构更清晰,更具包容性和接受性,学生通过本教材的学习,既可以较宽泛地接受到金融专业所必备的基本概念和知识,又可以较深入和系统地掌握一些最重要的金融理论。 欢迎学习 货币银行学课程! 任课教师:张尚学 课 程 介 绍 一、课程特点 货币银行学是金融学科的主干课程,经济 学课程体系中必修的核心课程之一。 货币银行学是一门综合反映金融学科基本 理论体系和知识结构的课程,它的研究对 象和内容远远超出其名称的文字含义。 二、教学内容及教材的特点 1、微观和宏观并重 2、基本范畴、一般知识介绍与系统理 论阐述兼顾 第一篇 基本范畴 本篇共四章,主要内容:货币和货币制度、利息和利息率、金融中介和金融服务体系、金融市场和现代融资等。介绍金融领域最主要方面的基本概念、基本知识


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