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河 南 科 技 大 学 阶 段 论 文 题目 论无罪推定原则在我国的适用及完善 姓 名 王 岩 院 系 法学院 专 业 法 学 指导教师 章 群 2014年 6月10日 论无罪推定原则在我国的适用及完善 THE APPLICATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRINCIPLE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCEENCE IN CHINA 摘 要:无罪推定原则即任何人在未经国家审判机关依法宣告有罪以前被推定或认为其无罪。无罪推定原则是世界各国公认的现代刑事司法的理念和准则,在保障公民基本人权、铸造法治社会的权威过程中起着十分重要的作用。2012年3月14日,全国人大会议审议通过了刑诉法修正案草案。随着我国社会主义民主与法治的发展,从立法与司法的双重视角贯彻和推行无罪推定原则,不仅有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人的人权,而且有利于推动我国的法治进程。文章通过分析无罪推定原则的基本内涵以及现行刑事诉讼立法、司法实践与这一原则存在的差距,提出我国刑事诉讼中无罪推定原则的存在的问题,进而提出了在刑事诉讼中完善无罪推定原则的思路与对策。全面的探讨深化对无罪推定原则的理解,使得无罪推定原则的法律意识更加普及,相关立法能得以早日完善。 关键词:无罪推定原则 沉默权 完善 Abstract: The presumption of innocence is that any person is presumed innocence before a declaration of guilty from national judicial organs in accordance with the law.Presumption of innocence is recognized by the world of modern criminal justice concepts and guidelines to protect citizens basic human rights; the authority of the process of casting the rule of law plays an important role. On March 14, 2012, the National Peoples Congress examined and adopted the draft Criminal Procedure Law amendment. With the development of Chinas socialist democracy and the rule of law, from the dual perspective of the legislative and judicial follow-up and implementation of the principle of presumption of innocence, not only will help protect the human rights of suspects, but also help promote the process of Chinas rule of law. In this paper,by analyzing the basic meaning of the presumption of innocence,the criminal history,as well as legislative,judicial practice and the gap between the principle of presumption of innocence,the presumption of innocence of the problems in the criminal proceedings in China, and then get away with the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings ideas and countermeasures.With a view to the adoption of a more comprehensive understanding of the deepening of the presumption of innocence,the presumption of innocence has more universal awareness of the law,a


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