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课件二· 文艺复兴 The Renaissance (2-1-0) 一、文艺复兴及人文主义精神特征 二、意大利的文艺复兴 三、西欧诸国的文艺复兴 四、文艺复兴时期的科学 五、文艺复兴的历史意义 The Renaissance (2-1-1) The artistic, literary and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th c. and which influenced the rest of Europe in the next two centuries. Broadly, it was typified by the spread of humanism, a return to classical values and the beginning of objective scientific inquiry.The term ‘Renaissance’ was given currency in the 19th c. The Renaissance created a culture which, though based in large on the imitation of the ancients, freed man to prove and enjoy the world in a way not possible under the medieval Church’s dispensation(安排,统治). In this release lay the way of development of the modern world. Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) 但丁 (2-1-2) The greatest medieval poet came from a noble Florentine family. Deeply involved in Florentine politics, he was permanently exiled from the city. He was one of the first men to write in the vernacular (方言)in Italy, and help establish the Tuscan dialect as the standard form of the Italian language. the Devine Comedy 《神曲》 (2-1-3) The work Dante will always be remembered is the Devine Comedy, a vision of Hell, Purgatory(炼狱), and Heaven written in magnificent Italian verse. Francesco Petrarch (1304-74)彼特拉克 (2-1-4) Italian poet and scholar, famous for for his sonnets (十四行诗), which quickly influenced poets writing in other European languages. In his extensive letters and essays on religious, philosophical and political subjects frequently expressed a humanistic point of view. He was called “the father of humanity”. Boccaccio (1313-75) and his “Decameron” ( a collection of 100 stories) 卜伽丘与《十日谈》 (2-1-5) Italian author. He began his great story collection, the Decameron , about the time when the Black Death reached Florence (1348). With the older Dante and the contempo


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