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越南沿海一期火力发电厂项目DQ1200/2500.40悬臂式斗轮堆取料机使用、维护说明书 DUYEN HAI 1 THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT- DQ1200/2500·40 Boom Bucket Wheel Stacker cum Reclaimer Operation and maintenance instruction 第一篇 前言 Chapter 1:Foreword DQ1200/2500.40 悬臂式斗轮堆取料机是由长春发电设备总厂为越南沿海一期火力发 电厂项目开发、设计、制造的一种大型、连续、高效的散状、粒状物料堆取作业的设备。 本设备具有取料,堆料、分流功能。 DQ1200/2500.40 Boom type bucket wheel stacker reclaimer (BWSR) is a kind of large, continuous and efficient bulk cargo stacking reclaiming equipment, developed/ designed and manufactured by Changchun Generating Equipment Co., Ltd, China for DUYEN HAI 1 THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT. This machine has the function of stacking, reclaiming and branching. 大车行走、回转、俯仰、斗轮传动、悬臂胶带机等传动机构之间有联锁保护(说明书 中各章节都有详细说明 )。操作者在工作之前,必须阅读本说明书,掌握日常操作和维护 要领;如果操作维护不当,不仅会缩短设备的使用寿命,甚至会造成事故。 There are interlocking protection among long travel drive, Slew unit, luffing unit, bucket wheel drive and boom conveyor etc transmission part (detailed information refer to the instruction in each Chapter/Section). Operator must read “Instruction” carefully and master daily operation and maintenance before starting to work; if operation is not proper, not only can reduce the service life of the equipment, but also can cause the accident. 1 / 86 越南沿海一期火力发电厂项目DQ1200/2500.40悬臂式斗轮堆取料机使用、维护说明书 DUYEN HAI 1 THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT- DQ1200/2500·40 Boom Bucket Wheel Stacker cum Reclaimer Operation and maintenance instruction 第二篇设备的性能及主要技术参数 Chapter 2 :Performance of the machine and main technical parameter 1 设备型号 D Q 1200 / 2500 .40 回转半径40 米(斗轮中心到臂架回转中心的距离); 堆料出力 2500 吨/小时; 取料出力 1200 吨/小时;


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