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包 装 工 程 第 38 卷 第 7 期 ·110 · PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2017 年 4 月 板式家具床头柜的全纸运输包装设计 刘嘉圆,蔡静蕊,陈艳萍 (北京林业大学,北京 100083 ) 摘要:目的 使零件组成不同、组合方式不同以及存在尺寸差异的板式家具都可使用同一种结构的包装。 方法 对某板式家具床头柜的运输包装进行研究,采用表面积相等法解决不同大小板块在包装中的摆放 方式问题,并设计出回环型以及直插型等2 种缓冲结构。结果 对由2 种不同缓冲结构组成的包装进行 了振动与跌落实验,效果均为良好。结论 通过采用合适的摆放方式和简洁通用的包装结构,设计出了 具有实用性的板式家具包装体系,对其他板式家具的包装具有指导和借鉴意义。 关键词:板式家具;运输包装;缓冲结构;包装设计 中图分类号:TB482.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1001-3563(2017)07-0110-05 Design of Paper Transport Packaging for Panel Bedside Table LIU Jia-yuan , CAI Jing-rui, CHEN Yan-ping (Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China) ABSTRACT: The work aims to enable the panel furniture which has differences in parts, combination mode and size to use the package of the same structure. The transport package of some panel bedside table was studied. The problem of placing plates of different sizes in the package was solved in the method of surface area equivalence and two cushioning structures (annular and direct-embedded) were also designed. After the experiment of vibration and drop, the package composed of these two cushioning structures had been proved to have good effect. By using the appropriate placement method and the simple universal packaging structure, the practical panel furniture packaging system is designed, which provides guidance and reference to the packaging of other panel furniture. KEY WORDS: panel furniture; transport packaging; cushioning structure; packaging design 互联网与电子商务技术的快速发展,使得网络购 1 板式家具运输包装存在的问题 物成为人们日常生活的重要部分,家具也成为网络购 物的商品之一。家具的流通方式从同城运送转变为从 1.1 过度包装 全国甚至全球各地运送至家门口,家具的运输包装也


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