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重点中学的学生职业志向调查: 律师、建筑师、精算师、会计师、园艺师、药剂师、经纪人、珠宝鉴定师、服装设计师、经济管理者、商人、医生、文艺编导、电视台主播、开饭店、物流业、营销、历史老师、网络安全工程师、公务员、普通职员…… 职场看重的基本素质 3.学生发展指导 (2)建平中学职业体验活动指导 ①活动目的: 为学生终生幸福奠基,为可持续发展创造条件 ②活动形式: 自主选定职业体验志向; 志趣相同学生编组 可以寒暑假自主联系 学校确定上海市区100家企事业单位为职业体验基地 ③活动要求: 高中三年完成 5 次职业体验活动(有一次10个工作日) 活动结束,交流分享 * 学生生涯规划三年时序 个人职业规划档案 a.我的梦想:20年以后的生活; b.一份报告:未来适合我从事的职业类型; c.一份清单:50个我所适合从事的职业的名字; d.一份资料:2个我心仪的工作及其具体内容; e.一份介绍:2所大学的详细情况。 注:高一上学期完成。 高一 唤醒 Discuss: This slide sets the stage by reviewing the past 25 years of datacenter management capabilities and then brings into view the more current time frame of the past 5 years. Doing this helps set the stage, and shows how System Center will differentiate itself, by our “Service Centric” focus that will be delivered on datacenter management. – ‘Manage at the Service Level’ Key Points: The Industry’s OLD WAY: “Process Focused” Datacenter Management infancy where resources and components were monitored and managed at the discrete level. – ‘Manage at the Component level” – Yes, we can monitor at the service level today but management is still typically done at the component level. NEW WAY, System Center approach will be : “Service Centric” “Manage at the Service Level” and from the context of the ‘service’. True monitoring and management of the ‘service’. The NEW WAY will afford cost improvement, standardardization of processes with automation, and SLAs that consistently monitor and manage at the business service level Notes: “Process Focused Management” – the approach the industry took in it’s infancy where components were monitored and managed. Rudimentary SLAs were in place and process integration was minimal. Also a period of multiple tools and inflexible applications was at hand. “Work flow by Meeting” resulted as a lack of automation and understanding the ‘service’ caused time-wasting discussion on what to do, when to do it, how to do it. Key vendors: HP (Tivoli), HP (OpenView); CA (Unicenter); BMC (Patrol/Remedy) “Vi


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