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凯视达使用说明, KS800
AV Processor
Two splicing outputs with res
Two splicing outputs with resolution up to 2560×1536@60Hz
Support synchronous transition of audio and video
Two-channel output, able to complete PIP and POP display
Support 1080P full-screen monitoring output
Fade-in and fade-out transition between any two signals
2pcs LED sending cards built-in ability
Navigational settings, easy to be used without training
Professional Configurations
Colorful LCD display panel2-Channel DVI HD OUTStereo AU OUTRS232 COM PortProfessional AV PortsStandard KS800 has 7-channel video input:DVI×1,HDMI×1,VGA×2,CVBS×3;A SDI input is optionalIn particular, KS800 is equipped with 4-channel stereo input (The video signals can be specified for synchronous switching)
Colorful LCD display panel
2-Channel DVI HD OUT
Stereo AU OUT
RS232 COM Port
Professional AV Ports
Standard KS800 has 7-channel video input:
A SDI input is optional
In particular, KS800 is equipped with 4-channel stereo input (The video signals can be specified for synchronous switching)
Crystal illuminant button
Crystal illuminant button
Adjusting knob
FOD transmitter card slot
4-Channel Stereo audio input
7 + 1
7 + 1-Channel HD-SD video in
Three Output Modes
Splicing Mode
Splicing Modes
The two outputs of KS800 output different parts respectively to form a complete picture and realize seamless splicing on the LED diplay, able to support the maximum 2560×1536 resolution.
Copy Mode
The two output ports of KS800 output uniform picture. It is easy to drive two identical screens. When driving a single screen, it can also be relatively easy to connect the sending cards.
Monitoring Mode
The two output ports of KS800 output uniform signal.One acts as a programming output to drive the LED display while the other one k