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数据处理的初步探讨 2010.12.30 第一部分 眼动常用指标 第二部分 数据处理过程 首次注视时间(first fixation duration) IA_FIRST_FIXATION_DURATION Duration of the first fixation event that was within the current interest area. 是一个早期加工指标,反映了对字词的早期识别过程以及对字的加工难度的敏感。 举例:LFHF 凝视时间(gaze duration) IA_FIRST_RUN_DWELL_TIME Dwell time (i.e., summation of the duration across all fixations) of the first run within the current interest area. Ffd 和Gd有很强的联系 举例:FFD, LF-HF = 37ms GD, LF-HF = 87ms 总注视时间(total fixation duration) IA_DWELL_TIME Dwell time (summation of the duration across all fixations) on the current interest area. 反映了加工该字词的总时间,类似于传统的反应时。 再注视(refixation) More than one fixation in the first pass reading on the current area. Refixation probobility Optimal viewing location(OVP) Refixation location Chinese children and adults 单一注视(single fixation ) Only one fixation in the first pass on the current interest area. Single fixation duration IOVP单一注视的注视时间长于多次注视中的首次注视时间。 Go past time IA_REGRESSION_PATH_DURATION The summed fixation duration from when the current interest area is first fixated until the eyes enter an interest area with a higher IA_ID. The time taken from when the reader first enters the word (in first pass) to when they first move their eyes to a word further to the right within the sentence in the current area. 回视次数(regression count) Regression out count Whether regression(s) was made from the current interest area to earlier interest areas (e.g., previous parts of the sentence) prior to leaving that interest area in a forward direction. 注视点落到某个区域开始,从该区域发生回视的次数。 该指标反映了被试在该区域发现问题的情况。 Regression in count Whether the current interest area received at least one regression from later interest areas (e.g., later parts of the sentence). 该指标是指回视落入某个区域的次数。 有研究发现,预测性低的词有更过的回视入次数。 “难得糊涂” First fixation duration = 2s Gaze duration=2s+3s Refixation=3 Second reading time=7s Regression in=“5”—”7” Go past time= 2s+3s Total reading time=2s+3s+7s 第二部分 数据处理 一、导出数据 二、数据整理 三、极端值删除 四、sps
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