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DO I :10.13466/j .cnki .yzyg .2009.01.010 2009 2 February 2009 1 FO REST RESO U RCES MA NAG EM EN T No.1 1 2 2 1 沈洪霞, 乔交其, 乔牡丹, 张秋良 (1. , 0 100 18;2., 0 14300) :研建不同森林经营单位级的可持续经营指标体系是 现森林可持续经营的基础。本文以内蒙古鄂尔多斯市 造林总场为研究对象, 结合林场的经营状况, 采用目标法和专家咨询法构建了4 个层次30 个指标组成的林场级 森林可持续经营指标体系。利用所构建的指标体系采用加权平均法对该林场森林可持续经营状况进行了评价, 得出森林可持续经营综合评价指数为0.77 8, 处于基本可持续状态。通过评价找出了影响该林场可持续经营的关 键因素为:森林生态系统多样性指数、 林地利用率、 有林地单位面积生长量、 森林病虫鼠害年均发生率等。 :森林;可持续经营;指标体系;评价 :S75  :A  :1002-6622 (2009)0 1-0049-05 Development and Apraisal of the Sustainable Forest Management Index System for Erdos Forest Farm 1 2 2 1 * SH EN Hong xia , QIA O Jiaoqi , QIA O M udan ,ZHA N G Qiu iang (1.Collegeof Forestry, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 0 100 18;2.ErdosForestFarm, Erdos 0 14300, Inner Mongo- lia, China) Abstract:Deve opment of su stainab e forest management index systems for different forest management unit s is the foundat ion fo r rea ization of forest sustainab e management.T his artic e, based on Erdos F orest F arm management practice and using the target method and ex pert consu tancy, gives a de- scription on a forest f arm-eve sust ainab e forest management index sy stem which contains 30 indica- tors at 4 eve s.T hen the current condition of Erdos Fo rest Farm has been appraised w it h the index sy stem ,T he resu t show s that the comprehensive index is 0.77 8, T he tendency of the management is basica y su stainab e.T he key facto rs of forest sustainab e manag


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