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电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 研究生专业外语 电气与自动化工程学院 电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 信息与电气工程学院 自动控制原理经典部分 电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 * 第一章 自动控制理论 * * 第一章 自动控制理论 1-1 自动控制系统概述 1-2 经典控制理论 1-3 现代控制理论 * * 9. 线性系统校正(Linear System Compensation) 前面的时域分析法、根轨迹法、频域法都研究了一个问题。 控制系统分析问题 系统综合(或设计)是系统分析的逆问题:即根据生产工艺或某项任务对控制系统的要求,设计一个既满足技术要求,又经济可靠和实用的控制系统。 系统综合常用的手段: (1) 调整放大器的增益K实现; (2) 改变系统结构,引入校正装置进行校正; * 被控对象给定后,其数学模型已知,而且执行机构和测量变送环节数学模型也已知。 校正,在系统中加入一些参数可根据需要而改变的机构或装置,使闭环系统的特性发生变化,从而满足给定的各项性能指标。 * 工业过程控制中所用的比例-积分-微分(Proportional Integral Derivative, PID)就属于校正装置。在自控原理中这类问题称为系统的综合。 综合的目的是在系统中引入各种附件装置,使系统的缺点得到校正,从而满足一定的性能指标。 In this chapter, we address the central issue of improving the performance of feedback control system by making minor modification to the structure of the feedback control system. * Additional hardware, referred to as the compensator, is incorporated into the control system structure that enables us to achieve the desired system performance. A compensator is an additional component or circuit that is inserted into a control system to compensate for a deficient performance. deficient [difi??nt] 有缺陷的,不足的. Commonly a two port electric network can serve as a compensator in many control systems. Several types of compensation schemes are available of which the lead and lag networks are the most widely used. * 控制系统的校正方式: Cascade compensation network: A compensator network placed in cascade or series with the system process. Cascade Compensation Parallel Compensation (Feedback Compensation ) Compound Compensation 串联校正 并联校正 复合校正 * In fact, the PID is probably the most commonly used compensator in feedback control systems. Control effort produced by a PID controller is given by The idea behind a general purpose PID process controller is to employ the controller in a flexible manner so that the three settings, K Td and Tr, can be adjusted in situ to produce the desired response. * To get the best performance from a three-term


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