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One Million Pound Bank-Note 百万英镑 旁白:One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything. Just then Henry came along. Brother A: Young man, come here, please. Brother B: Could I ask you some questions? Henry: Of course, sir. A: What do you do? Henry: I’m a mining-brokers clerk in San Francisco. B: Why are you staying here? Henry: My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. And now, I have nothing in my pocket. A: Great! Henry: great? I can’t understand you, sir. B: I’m sure you will understand very soon. Here is an envelope. Henry: what’s this? (说着我就要打开) B: no, no, no, there is some money, but you wouldn’t open it until 2:00pm. 这期间俩兄弟边交谈边吃纸袋里的零食我不断瞟着这些美味实在忍 Henry: Could I have some? A: of course. oh, sorry. It’s empty.(他在袋子里吹了口气,然后砸烂。— 确实空了。) This way, please. 旁白:The clerk pick up a small shop clothes. (店员挑了一件很小的衣服) I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in the re-payment.I had no belt change. 我:请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。我身上没有带零钱。 Clerk 2: Oh, you do not bring change? Yes, of course, brought you this way like it?I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets. 店员2:噢,你没有带零钱?对了,当然,你这样子像带了的?我想象得到,像你这样的绅士身上只会带大票子。 Company: a friend, you can not always recognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people. We


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