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第27卷 第1期 重庆建筑大学学报 V01.27 No.1 2005年2月 Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu Universi Fleb.2005 微滤膜处理长江重庆段原水的初步研究+ 蒋绍阶, 刘 澜 (重庆大学 城市建设与环境工程学院,重庆 400045) 提要:不进行预处理,用两种不同数量级孔径的微滤膜处理长江上游重庆段原水,发现 4~10 pan孔径聚乙烯微滤管浊度去除率低,出水浊度高,0.2~0.9 pin孔径超高分子量聚乙烯微滤 管浊度去除率高,出水浊度小于3NTU。采用2 m高位水箱进水方式,大流量有压空气反吹辅 以原水排污的在线物理清洗能使0.2~0.9/an孔径膜保持长时间稳定通量运行。通过该试 验,确定了0.2~0.9 pan孔径微滤膜处理长江上游重庆段原水的设计运行参数。 关键词:长江;微滤;空气反吹;原水排污;参数 中图分类号:TU991.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7329(2o05)01—0076—04 Experimental Research on Purifying Raw Water of Yangtze River in Chongqing Region with Tubular Micro—filtration Membrane JIANG Shao—jie,LIU Lan (College ofUrban Construction and Environmental Engineering,Chonsq~ University,Chotcqieg 400045,P.R.China) Abstract:Without any pretreatment,the law wamr of Yangtze River in Chongqing region was filtrated in this experi· ment by micro—.filtration membranes of two different pore size.It is found that the turbidity of filtrate permeating the tubular ultra—high molecule pelyethylene micro—membrane of 0.2一O.9wn pore size is much lower than that permeating the membrane of4~10tma pore size and less than 3NTU,the mrbidity removal efficiency is much higher than the latter membrane.It is also found that the former membrane can keep steady flux for a long time by on—line physical cl~ing method with feeding pattern of 2 m hiigh—elevated water tal~S.The method Inean$that fouling, air and raw wamr is discharged via a drainage valve periodically when pressurized air current at high flow rate per meates the memb rane in the opposite direction of the raw water inflow.Finally.山e design and operation parametem of 0.2—0.9tma pore size in disposing raw water of Yangtze River in Chongqing resio-is obtained in the experi· me rit. Keywords:Yangtze River;micro—-fi


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