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基于JavaWeb家政服务网的设计与实现 摘要 随着信息时代的到来和现代科学技术的突飞猛进,尤其是计算机技术的发展与普及,家政服务网在现今的应用已经越来越广泛了。所谓的家政服务网就是能实现主要用于家政服务管理系统。 本论文讨论基于JSP开发的web2.0管理系统的设计与实现,JSP框架经过多年实际运营和检验比较成熟的框架, 基于B/S架构以JSP技术和SQLsever2005后台数据库为基础的,构建了一个具备:信息管理,用户管理,登录,首页分项显示几条信息点击可以查看详细信息,自定义标签做的分页的管理系统。 在实现方法上,采用JSP技术实现各个模块的功能,普通用户登录和系统管理员登录采用字段匹配数据库的形式实现,采用Java Bean实现自定义标签,通过web.xml进行配置,分项检索采用字段匹配及模糊匹配。 关键词:JSP技术,家政服务网 Design and implementation of domestic service network based on JavaWeb ABSTRACT With the advent of the information age and the modern science and technology make a spurt of progress, especially the development and popularization of computer technology, Home Economics Service Network in the application has been more and more widely. The so-called home economics service network is realized mainly for domestic service management system. In this paper, based on JSP development of the Web2.0 management system design and implementation, the JSP framework after years of actual operation and inspection of more mature framework, framework based on B/S to JSP technology and SQLsever2005 database as the foundation, constructs a have: information management, user management, log, home partial display several information click to view detailed information, custom labels do pagination management system. In the method, using JSP technology to achieve the functions of each module, ordinary users to log in and system administrator login using field matching database in the form of implementation, using Java realize Bean custom tags, through the web.xml configuration, partial retrieval using field matching and fuzzy matching. Key words: JSP technology, home economics service network, system 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第一章 引言 PAGEREF _Toc340783617 \h 1 1.1课题的背景 PAGEREF _Toc340783618 \h 1 1.2国内外现状 PAGEREF _Toc340783619 \h 1 1.3课题研究的意义 2 1.4本课题的研究目标 2 1.5系统任务的可行性分析 PAGEREF _Toc340783622 \h 3 第二章 关键技术介绍 PAGEREF _Toc340783623 \h 4 2.1 B/S架构 PAGEREF _Toc340783624 \h 4 2.2 SQL2005语言简单介绍 PAGEREF _Toc340783625 \h 4 2.3 SQL


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