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华侨大学毕业设计(论文) 题 目某化工设备公司供配电 设计 院 系 信息科学与工程学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 2班 学生姓名 张志旭 学 号 0815312035 指导教师 方瑞明 教授 2012年5 月25号 摘 要 工厂供电就是指工厂所需电能的供应和分配,亦称工厂配电。工厂供电是将从电力系统中获得的电能经过合理的传输变换,分配到工厂的车间里的用电设备上。伴随着社会的发展,工厂对电能的质量,供电可靠性以及经济性等要求也越来越高。工厂供电设计是否完善不仅影响工厂的生产,而且也反映到工厂供电的可靠性与安全生产上,它与企业的经济效益,设备安全运行以及工人的人身安全密切相关,因此,搞好工厂供电工作对于整个工厂的生产发展有十分重要的意义。 具体过程和步骤:根据工厂总平面图,工厂负荷情况,供电电源情况,气象资料,地区水文资料和电费制度等,先计算电力负荷,判断是否要进行无功功率补偿,接着进行变电所位置和形式选择,并确定变电所变压器台数和容量, 主接线方案选择,然后进行短路电流的计算,并对变电所一次设备选择和校验和高低压线路的选择,再对变电所进行继电保护和防雷接地,最后绘出变电所电气主接线图和平面布置图,完成本次设计。 关键词 工厂供电,电能,无功补偿,负荷计算,短路电流 Abstract Plant power supply, means power plants needed to supply and distribution. Power supply in factory is meaning to electricity energy which is obtained from the power system is transferred reasonable, and it is distributed to the electric device of the factory floor. With the development of the society, the quality, reliability and economy demands of the electricity energy were increasing to the factory. Whether the design of the factory electricity supply is perfect not only affects the plants production, but also reflects the reliability of power supply to the factory and safety, it is closely related to the economic benefit of enterprises, equipment, safe operation and safety of workers, it is important for the development of production for doing a good job of the factory power supply work. Detailed process and the steps: according to the factory total plan, the load condition ,the power supply, the meteorological data, the district hydrologic data and electric system, the first calculated to power load, judge whether calculated to reactive power compensation, and choose the position and type of the substation , and determine the transformer substation numbers and capacity, the main connection scheme selection, they concluded the calculation of s


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