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南 京 工 程 学 院 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 冯 正 球 学 号: 216090329 系 部: 环境工程学院 专 业: 环境工程(电力环保) 题 目: 火电厂湿法烟气脱硫废水蒸发处理技术 的方案设计 指导者: 李乾军 副教授 评阅者: 2012 年 6月 南 京 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 在湿法石灰石洗涤烟气脱硫工艺中,烟气中氯化物的溶解会提高脱硫吸收剂中氯离子的浓度,而氯离子浓度的增加会引起脱硫率下降,并影响石膏品质。因此,必须从脱硫工艺系统中排出一定量的废水并补充新鲜水来降低吸收剂中氯离子的浓度,排出的这部分废水就是脱硫废水。本文主要分析了脱硫产生的废水的水质特点,并介绍了几种国内外主要使用的脱硫废水处理工艺,分析其优缺点。着重对一种新型工艺废水蒸发工艺进行介绍,通过计算验证该方案的可行性,研究该方案的缺点。同时针对某300MW机组进行方案设计及选型,并且分析了该方案的实施对电厂可能造成的影响。 关键词:湿法脱硫 ;脱硫废水 ;废水处理 ;蒸发处理 毕业设计说明书(论文)英文摘要 Title: Design of thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization waste water evaporation processing technology Abstract: In wet flue gas desulfurization process of flue gas desulphurization technology, dissolved gas chloride will increase the concentration of chloride ion in the desulfurization absorbent, and the increase of chloride concentration will decrease the desulfurization rate and influent the quality of gypsum. Therefore, a part of wastewater must be discharged from the desulfurization process in the system and to add fresh water to reduce the concentration of chlorine ion absorbent in the wastewater, this part of the waste water is called discharged desulfurization wastewater. This paper mainly analyzes the water quality characteristics of the wastewater from production of desulfurization, and introduces some mostly used treatment of the desulfurization wastewater process of several domestic and abroad, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages. This article emphatically introduces a kind of new technology which is waste water evaporation, validate the feasibility through calculation and analyzes shortcomings of the technology. At the same time design a process for the 300MW unit and make some selection, and analyzed the influence of the scheme may have on the power plant. Keywords: wet flue gas desulfurization; desulfurization wastewater; wastewat


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