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27 2 Vol. 27, No. 2 2007 2 ACTA ECOLOG ICA SIN ICA Feb., 2007 * 陈文音, 陈章和 ,何其凡, 汪晓燕,王才荣, 陈达丰,赖增隆 (,  510631) :, , 4“”、、 4 、、。 ( 36. 5cm, 30. 0cm, 34.5cm )。 1, 5。 10, 1349 / , 549 / 。 ( 2 1), 11. 3g / , 7. 4g /。, d1mm 51. 9%, d1mm 25. 1%。 0. 2, (0. 1)。 2 2 (6933cm / ) (1897cm /)。 2 (46. 6d)(34. 8d)。 1871 /, 22832cm / , 。 :;;;;; :1000-0933(2007)02-0450-09 :Q948. 1, X171 :A Root growth ofwetland plantswith different root types * CHEN W en-Y in, CHEN Zhang-He , HE Q-i Fan, WANG X iao-Yan, WANG Ca-iRong, CHEN Da-Feng, LA I Zeng-Long Collegeof LifeSciences, South ChinaNormalUniversity, Guangzhou 510631, China A cta E co log ica S in ica, 2007, 27(2):0450 ~0458. Abstract:A wastew ater culture s stem w as designed to stud root grow th of eight species of wetland plants. The s stem included a plastic barrel (top diam eter =36. 5cm, bo ttom diameter =30. 0cm, height =34. 5cm )fo r holdingw astew ater and a foam plate for ho lding the plant. Four species, i. e. , Canna indica Linn. , Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis (Rottb. )Kukenth, Pennisetum purpureum Schum. and Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn. )Nash, w ith fibril root s stem and another four species, i. e. , Acorus calamus Linn. , ymenocallis littoralis (Jack. )Salisb. , Phragmites communis T rin. , and Typha angustifolia Linn. w ith rhizomatic root s stem w ere comparativel studied. Results indicated that root grow th of the plantsw ith fibril root s stem was faster than that of the plants w ith r


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