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2016届毕业生 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 基于STM32的可穿戴设备系统 院系名称: 电气工程学院 专业班级: 自动F1204 学生姓名: 郭培扬 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 讲师 2016年 05月16日 摘要 “可穿戴设备”是可穿戴技术在日常穿戴产品的设计中的应用,例如手表、眼镜、服装、鞋和手套。广义的可穿戴设备是指功能全、尺寸大,不依赖于智能手机,实现了智能手机全部或部分功能,如智能手表和智能眼镜等,以及只专注于某一类型的应用功能,需要和其它设备如智能手机配合使用,如各类进行体征监测的智能手环、智能首饰等。随着技术的进步以及用户需求的变迁,可穿戴式智能设备的形态也在不断的变化。穿戴式技术在国际计算机学术界和工业界一直都备受关注,只不过由于造价成本高和技术复杂,很多相关设备仅仅停留在概念领域。本系统以意法半导体公司的基于Cortex-M3 32位高性能单片机STM32F103ZET6为核心,由GSM模块、GPS模块、MPU6050六轴加速度传感器模块、TFT彩屏、SD卡等组成了一个可穿戴设备系统。该系统实现了万年历、秒表、计步、闹钟、画板、日历、地图等功能。地图获取的图片存放在SD卡中,GUI图片存放在8M的外置FLASH当中。系统支持全触摸操作。 关键词:可穿戴设备;STM32单片机;TFT彩屏;文件系统;SD卡;GPS地图 Title  The Wearable Device System Based on the STM32 Abstract The wearable devices is the application of the Wearable Technology in the Daily wearable Product Design, such as the glasses, gloves, watches, clothes and shoes. Generally,The wearable smart devices including full-featured, large size, do not rely on smart phones to achieve a complete or partial functions, such as smart watches and smart glasses, etc., and only focus on a certain type of application functions, and other devices such as smart phones with the use of various types of conduct such as signs monitoring bracelet intelligent, smart jewelry. As technology advances and the change of user needs, application forms of wearable smart devices are constantly changing. Wearable computer technology has attracted wide attention in the international academia and industry, but due to the high construction cost and technical complexity, a lot of related equipment only is an idea. This system is based on the STM32F103ZET6 as the core which is produced by the STMicroelectronics Cortex-M3 32-bit high performance microcontroller,This system also use GSM module, GPS module, MPU6050 six-axis acceleration sensor module, TFT color screen, SD card and other components.The system has six functions such as the calendar, stopwatch, pedometer, alarm clock, Sketchpad, Calendar, Maps, and other function


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