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摘 要 在一条成品油顺序输送管线中,顺序输送的循环次数越少,每一种油品的一次输送量越大,在管道内形成的混油段和混油损失也随之减少,但另一方面,油品的生产和消费通常是均衡进行的,各种油品每天都在生产和消费,顺序输送管道对每一种油品来讲是间歇输送。循环次数越少,就需要在管道的起、终点以及沿线的分油点和进油点建造较大容量的储罐区来平衡生产、消费和输送之间的不平衡,油罐区的建造和经营费用就要增加。因而,最优循环次数的确定应从建造、经营油罐区的费用和混油的贬值损失两方面综合考虑。 成品油顺序输送管道设计应首先根据输量确定管道的管径以及首末站、分输站、中间泵站等基本工艺条件,同时考虑管道应能适应不同季节成品需求量的变化。在确定了这些基本工艺条件后,顺序输送和罐容的优化只与管道输送次序、混油处理方式和油罐设置等有关。优化批次、罐容时应根据不同批次分别计算首站罐容、分输油库和末站罐容,并根据输送顺序计算混油量以及混油处理的各项费用,最终确定管道的最优批次和罐容配置。 本文以所给的设计任务书为依据,在进行了相关设计计算的基础上利用计算机编程对该管道进行了水力计算、经济计算,确定了最经济的管道工艺参数(如管径、壁厚、工作压力、泵站数),并计算出了该方案中油品的输送天数、最优循环次数、首末站所需的最优油罐容积,并确定了油品的切割方案,绘制了水力坡降、和首站工艺流程图。 关键词: 管道 输送批次 混油量 混油处理 罐容设计 Abstract Within a product oil botched transportation pipeline, the less the transportation circles are and the more the transportation sum of each kind of oil, the less the mixed oil segment and oil mixture loss will form. However, oils producing and consumption are usually balanced. Each day, every kinds of oil are produced and consumed, so botched transportation is intermittent for each oil kind. The less the transportation circles are, the bigger the storage oilcan areas are needed at the pipelines start and final point and the oil output and input point along the pipeline so as to balance the imbalance of oils producing, consumption and transportation, thus increases the oilcan areas construction and run fee. So, the optimum transportation circle should be decided from the two aspects of the fee cost by construction and run of oilcan areas and the depreciation loss of oil mixture. The design work of a product oil batched transportation pipeline should be started from selecting the suitable diameter of pipeline according to the transportation sum and the basic technical parameters of start and final station, output station and the pumping station, simultaneity considering the pipeline should be adapted to the changes of requirement sum of different seasons. After that, the optimization work is only related to the transportation order, method of managing the


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