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高三人教版英语必修五Unit2单元基础知识练习:The United Kingdom(带解析人教版) 一、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 1.The land was________out among all the villagers,but they could not agree upon the______________of it.(divide) 答案:divided;division 2.The situation was more________than ever and I felt________and upset.(puzzle) 答案:puzzling;puzzled 3.Is it________to marry one’s cousin? No,it is________.(legal) 答案:legal;illegal 4.It’s very__________for you to do so,right? But how can you think of only your own______________? (convenient) 答案:convenient;convenience 5.It is________for all of us having her,so we all feel________.(delight) 答案:delightful;delighted 6.The match was so________that everybody got______.(thrill) 答案:thrilling;thrilled 7.The election was in no sense________;that is to say,it’s________.(fair) 答案:fair;unfair 8.Is water available or________at the hut?(avail) 答案:unavailable 9.He began to take Political Science ________(serious)only when he left school. 答案:seriously 10.Running a company is not________(simple)a matter of hiring people-they also need to be trained. 答案:simply 二、翻译下列短语 1.由,组成/构成 __________________ 答案:consist of/be made up of 2.对,大惑不解 __________________ 答案:be in a puzzle about 3.给,列清单 __________________ 答案:make a list of 4.脱离;逃脱 __________________ 答案:break away 5.对,有吸引力/魅力 __________________ 答案:have an attraction for 6.把,分成 __________________ 答案:divide...into 7.一批 (物品),一组 __________________ 答案:a collection of 8.遗漏,省略 __________________ 答案:leave out 9.在您方便的时候 __________________ 答案:at your convenience 10.代替,取代 __________________ 答案:take the place of 三、选用上述短语完成下列句子 1.City life __________________many a country boys. 答案:has an attraction for 2.Do this__________________. 答案:at your convenience 3.Janet has __________________foreign coins. 答案:a collection of 4.Now electric trains __________________steam trains in England. 答案:have taken the place of 5.I am__________________what to do next. 答案:in


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