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* 目前的抗血小板药物包括: 血栓素 A2 抑制剂 乙酰水杨酸 (ASA) 磷酸二酯酶抑制剂 潘生丁 糖蛋白(GP) IIb/IIIa阻滞剂 胃肠外用药l: 阿昔单抗、eptifibatide, tirofiban 口服GPIIb/IIIa阻滞剂 (lotrafiban, orbofiban, sibrafiban, xemilofiban) 已经在大规模临床试验中进行了研究,但没能显示疗效优于ASA. ADP-受体拮抗剂 氯吡格雷 噻氯匹定 * References: 1. Topol EJ, Yadav JS. Circulation 2000; 101: 570–80. 2. Drouet L. Cerebrovasc Dis 2002; 13(suppl 1): 1–6. Through the development of new imaging modalities and specific therapeutics that serve as probes, microvascular obstruction, owing to embolization, has become increasingly recognized as an important sequelae of atherosclerotic and atherothrombotic vascular disease.1 Thrombus formation on an atherosclerotic plaque is a dynamic process in which platelets aggregate but also spontaneously disaggregate, leading to embolization of platelet aggregates from an evolving thrombus, which can lead to inflammation or microvascular obstruction.2 Additionally, particulate matter may also shed from the ruptured atherosclerotic lesion.2 Altogether, the release of microemboli, which occurs while a plaque is active and can last for hours, days or weeks, leads to microvascular obstruction in the myocardium, brain or peripheral tissues, resulting for example in cardiac insufficiency or vascular dementia.2 * References: 1. Topol EJ, Yadav JS. Circulation 2000; 101: 570–80. 2. Drouet L. Cerebrovasc Dis 2002; 13(suppl 1): 1–6. Through the development of new imaging modalities and specific therapeutics that serve as probes, microvascular obstruction, owing to embolization, has become increasingly recognized as an important sequelae of atherosclerotic and atherothrombotic vascular disease.1 Thrombus formation on an atherosclerotic plaque is a dynamic process in which platelets aggregate but also spontaneously disaggregate, leading to embolization of platelet aggregates from an evolving thrombus, which can lead to inflammation or microvascular obstruction.2 Additionally, particulate matter may also shed from the ruptured atherosclerotic lesion.


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