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* * * 由于我国人口年龄的增长、饮食结构变化和盐摄入量的增加,我国高血压病患者显著增加。 1958年的发病率为5.11% 1980年进行了全国大规模的抽样普查,除台湾省以外都参加了这次普查。15岁以上人群高血压总患病率为7.89%。 1991年普查显示,我国高血压患病率已达11.26%,较1979-1980年10年间增高25%,即90年代初,我国已有高血压患者9500万。 1996年调查,这种升高的势头仍在持续。 2002年底调查,我国高血压患者数量已达1.5亿,并且还在以每年300多万人的速度增多 * 人体血压在不同时期,不同状态下会有很大的变化,例如冬季和夏季;运动或静止;情绪激动或平静。 血压随时变化,通常在一天的不同时候血压都会有10-20mmHg的变化 所以要在尽量减轻或排除各种干扰因素下,非同日3次静息血压才可作为判断高血压病的标准。 * 高血压之所以可怕不仅在于血压的升高,而是高血压会对心、脑、肾造成严重的危害。因此,对于一个高血压患者来说血压的升高只是冰山的一角,更为严重的是与高血压同时发生的心、脑、肾的损害,是这些靶器官的损害严重危害了健康。 * Smoking Affects the Entire Body The list of diseases and ill effects caused by smoking continues to expand as researchers learn more about the ways in which smoking devastates the body. Overall, smoking causes 17 % of all deaths [WHO 1997] 30% of all cancer deaths 87% of lung cancer 66% COPD deaths 13%vascular diseases According to the Worldbank, smoking related healthcare accounts for 6% to 15 % of all annual healthcare costs. The list of diseases and ill effects caused by smoking continues to expand as researchers learn more about the ways in which smoking devastates the body. [Surgeon General 2004 exec summ 2B,38AC, 8AB] American Thoracic Society, 2005. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2004. Available at: /tobacco/sgr/sgr_2004/chapters.htm. Accessed July 23, 2005. Smoking is associated with many diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease Smoking is associated with a decline in lung and kidney function, low HDL cholesterol, insulin resistance, cataracts, impotence, accelerated aging and skin wrinkles Surgeon General 2004 exec summ 2B,38AC, 8AB Slide 58 from SMOKING_CESSATION_09[1].26.05_Final Need better citation for WHO 1997 to find ref. * * * Key Point Nicotine is at least as


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