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贵州医科大学2018级第二学期 《大学英语》试题 姓名: 专业: 学号: 得分: 阅读理解题 Three Secrets to Happiness We all know that money can’t buy happiness — but many times we act as if we’d behappierwith a bit more money. We are conditioned towant to be rich (when we know the rich aren’thappy either.; we are trained to want the latestgadget or style that television tells us to want; wewant to earn more money because then we’ll havethe good life. But none of that will bring us happiness.No matter how much we earn, no matter howmuch we have in the bank, no matter how niceour clothing or cars or toys, none of it will makeushappier. And the sad thing is that it could takeus decades of pursuing wealth and luxury itemsbefore we realize this. So what will bring us happiness? Luckily,it’s three things that don’t cost a thing. Thesethree things have been proved by research —surveys of hundreds of thousands of people aboutwhat they have, what their lives are like, and howhappy they are. Here they are, the Three Secret s toHappiness: Good relationships. We have a human needto be close, to be intimate, with other humanbeings. Having good, supportive friendships, astrong marriage or close and loving relationshipswith our family members will make us much morelikely to be happy. Action steps: Take time, today,to spend time with your loved ones, to tell themwhat they mean to you, to listen to them, anddevelop your relationship with them. Positivethinking. I’m obviously a bigproponent of positive thinking as the best way toachieve your goals, but it turns out that it can leadto happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who leadhappy lives. Happy people feel empowered, incontrol of their lives, and have a positive outlookon life. Action steps: Make positive thinking a habit. In fact, this should be one of the first habitsyou develop. Get into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing


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