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Let’s chant! Swimming,swimming, I like swimming. Running, running, I like running. Drawing, drawing, I like drawing. Singing, singing, I like singing. Dancing, dancing , I like dancing. Read and write! Hello! My name is Zhang Peng. I can play football. I like_______. I’m going to play it this afternoon. 2. Hi! I’m Chen Jie. I can play the violin. I like_______________. I’m going to play the violin this evening. Hello! I’m Mike. My hobby is ____________. I usually do kung fu on the weekend. Because it’s healthy. Hi! My name is Amy. ____________ are my hobbies. I’m going to dance and sing this weekend. What are your hobbies? Hi! My name is Ouyang Jie. I like___________________. I collect leaves in the woods every week. What about you? Happiness is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 ---英国剧作家萧伯纳 HOMEWORK 1、背诵并抄写本课的短语; 2、利用手中问卷调查的表格,学生四-六人一组,调查每个组员的兴趣爱好,最后每组派出一位学生在下节课开始时向全班介绍调查结果。 3、写一段话介绍自己的爱好。 * Unit4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s learn What are your hobbies? 紫湖小学 廖云梅 2014. 10 . 23. What is your hobby? dance Dancing. I like dancing. What is your hobby? sing What is your hobby? singing. I like singing. play football What is your hobby? Playing football. I like playing football. read stories Reading stories I like reading stories. What is your hobby? do kung fu What is your hobby? Doing kung fu. I like doing kung fu. Play the violin. I like play the violin. What is your ______? Let’s try! ing ing hobby I like play the violin and drawing pictures. What are your ______? ing hobbies Let’s try again! play football hobbies Doing kung fu dancing hobby Playing footbal playing the violin dance singing read reading stories 传球游戏: 学生齐拍手大声问What are your hobbies? 待老师喊Stop !后,拿到球的同学用本课学


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