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25 3 Vol. 25, No. 3 2005 6 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Jun. 2005 : 1000-1301( 2005) 03- 0001- 05 : 李雨润, 袁晓铭, 孙锐 (, 150080) : , , , , :; ; SH ; : P315. 915 : A Out-of-p lane dynam ic respon se of a h eterogeneous h ill in half-space: the closed-form solu tion L iYurun, Yuan X iaom ing, Sun Ru i ( Institute of EngineeringM echanics, China E arthquake Adm inistration, H arbin 150080, China) Abs tract: A closed-form solution for wt o-dmi ensional scattering of p lane SH w aves by a sem i-cylindrical heterogene- ous h ill are presented by using the region d ivision and auxiliary functionsmethods aswell as thew ave functions ex- pansion. The solution is reduced to solving a set of infin ite linear algebraic equations and the numerical solution can be obtained by truncation of the infin ite algebraic equations. The calcu lation resu lts ind icate the convergence of the solution is fast in thew ide frequency range. K ey w ord s: hal-f space; heterogeneous h ill; plane SH w ave; closed-form solution [ 1~ 3] , , , , , , Trifunac, 1973 , (, [ 5] [ 6] [ 7 ] , 2003; , 2000; , 1995) , , , 1992 199 , [ 8] [ 9, 10] SH , , - : 2005- 03- 28; : 2005- 0 - 25 : ( 997 011) : ( 1978- ), , , . 2 25 [ 11~ 13] , , , , , ( -), , SH 1 1, (x, y ) ( r, ) , , a, L, 2, c ; , 2 2 1, c , 1 1 SH ( e- i t, ) ( i) i rcos u = u e 1 2


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