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断 块 油 气 田 2008 年7 月 FAULT-BLOCK OIL GAS FIELD 断 块 油 气 田 15 卷 4 期 文章编号 1005-8907 渊2008 冤04-056-04 乌南油田N21 油藏储层野四性冶关系研究 1 2 2 2 1 赵为永 陈宏 松东 梁 虎 邓生青 渊1援 青海油田公司勘探开发研究院 甘肃 敦煌 736202 曰2援 中国石油集团测井有限公司青海事业部 甘肃 敦煌 736202 冤 摘 要 乌南油田N21 油藏储层主要为三角洲相沉积 储层岩性以粉砂岩和细砂岩为主遥 储层岩相尧岩性尧物性的差异 控制了油藏的富集程度,在岩性尧岩相相同的情况下,含油性取决于物性的好坏遥 通过对测井尧测试尧岩心分析化验及水分析 资料等的整理及储层野四性冶关系研究,建立了测井资料参数处理解释模型,确定了N21 油藏油气水层解释标准,提高了解释 符合率,对相邻区块的测井解释也有指导意义遥 关键词 乌南油田曰N21 油藏曰四性关系曰测井解释 ﹢ 中图分类号 TE122.2 3 文献标识码 A 4-property relationship study on N21 reservoir in Wunan Oilfield Zhao Weiyong (Exploration and Development Research Institute, Qinghai Oilfield Company, CNPC, Dunhuang 736202, China) Chen Hongmin Li Songdong et al. N21 reservoir of Wunan Oilfield is of mainly delta front subfacies. The lithology consists mainly of siltstone and fine sandstones. The difference between lithofacies, lithology and physical property of the reservoirs govern the oil and gas accumulation level. Under the same lithology and lithofacies conditions, the oil-bearing saturation depends on the difference of physical property. With the analysis of the logging data, the production testing data, the core data, the water analysis data as well as the study of 4 -property (lithology, electrical property, petro-physical property and oil-bearing property) relations of the N21 reservoir, the model of well log鄄 ging data processing and interpretation has been established and the well logging interpretation standard has been determined. The coincidence ra


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