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辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 PAGE LI PAGE I 综合办公楼给水排水设计 作者:赵树森 辽宁石油化工大学,化学化工与环境学部,环境科学,1001班 摘 要 本设计的主要任务是某十三层综合办公楼给排水设计,设计的主要内容包括:建筑给水系统、消火栓给水系统、自动喷水灭火系统、建筑排水系统 本建筑地下1层,地上13层,其中第十三层主要用来布置屋顶的必要设施。市政给水管网常年提供的服务水头为0.35MPa,经技术经济比较,室内给水系统拟采用分区给水方式。初步拟定该建筑给水系统分二区:1至6层为低区,由市政管网直接供水;7到12层为高区,由水泵和水箱联合供水。建筑排水系统采用合流制,直接排入下水道。消火栓给水系统和自动喷水灭火系统采用不分区的供水方式,两者均采用设水泵和水箱的临时高压给水方式。消火栓的布置范围包括各楼层、消防电梯前室和屋顶检验用。建筑内喷头数量约980个,设2组湿式报警阀,报警阀后管网为枝状网,每层设水流指示器。 关键词:建筑给排水,系统,消火栓,自动喷水灭火系统 Water supply and drainage design of comprehensive office building Zhao Shusen Liaoning Shihua University Environmental and bio-engineering college Environmental Science 1001 ABSTRACT The main task is designing the water supply and drainage system of a thirteen-story building which is a comprehensive office building. The main design elements include building water supply system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, building drainage system, roof drainage system. The building has a basement, and 13 floors which are above ground .among them, the thirteenth floor is mainly used to layout the roof of the necessary facilities. Municipal water supply network can provide us a stable water pressure of about 0.35Mpa. After a technical and economic comparison, a “different parts with different water supply systems” is intended to be applied in building water supply system. Initial plan for the building water supply system is to divide it into two areas. The floors from 1 to 6 belong to the lower area that is supported directly by the municipal water supply pipe network. On the other hand, the floors from 7 to 12 belong to the higher area which is supported by the the water pump and water tank. The “common drainage manner” is going to be applied in the building drainage system, and the sewage is directly discharged into the sewer. Roof drainage system utilizes the ordinary drainage system which drains the rain water on the roof directly to the ground. The whole building uses a common water supply system in the fire hydr


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