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1999 5 ENVIRONM ENTA L SCIENCE M ay , 1999 * 吴为中 黄晓冬 王占生 ( , 100084) 2000 Ame , . : ( T ) , , ; , ( BT ) ( TC ) , , ; ( BT COBTC ) , 2000 , . , , , . Assessment on Practical Water Treatment Process for Polluted Source * Water and Purifying Process of Drinking Water in a City Wu W eizhong Huang XiaodongW ang Zhan heng ( Depar tm ent of Environm ental Science and Engin eering, T i ingh ua Univer ity, Beijing 100084, C hina) AbstractBa ed on the dr inking w ater qualit y g oal propo ed by T he dev eloping plan of technolo gy pro gr e for m unicipal and t ow n w ater upply in 2000and A me t e t , a pr actical and a pilot dr inking w ater tr eatment pr o- ce e w er e a e ed, w hich will be benifit to tr eatment pro ce election for polluted ource water . T he follow can be co ncluded: Sev eral w ater quality par ameter uch a ordor , am monia, miner al oil, phenol, PA H, etc, , , cannt meet the cr it erial in the pr actical co nventio nal pro ce effluent compared to our ce w ater m utaginicity of . - , effluent r i ed T hat bio tr eatment unit wa put before conventional pro ce a w ell a GA C unit w a put after . - conventional pro ce can impr ov e effluent quality and r educe mutag inicit y Only inter gatio n of bio treat ment unit, co nv entio nal tr eatment unit, ozone ox idatio n and GA C ab orptio n can impr ov ed dr inking w ater qualit y in all a pect , meet the go al of 2000 year and make A me te t r e ult to neg ative. Keywordsw ater tr eatment pro ce , biotr eatment, a dv anced tr eatment, mutag inicit y. Ame ,


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