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一 红外光谱分析概述 一.实验目的 二.实验原理 分子的振动方式 产生红外光谱的必要条件: 重要官能团的红外特征吸收(见表1) 样品的制备方法 三.实验仪器及药品 四.实验内容及步骤 四.实验内容及步骤 四.实验内容及步骤 五.数据处理 三.实验设备及药品 实验三 聚合物形态结构分析 一.实验目的 扫描电镜包括电子光学系统、扫描系统、信号检测系统、显示系统和试样放置系统。 三.实验仪器及药品 一.实验目的 三.实验仪器及药品 四.实验内容及步骤 实验五 聚合物透射电镜分析 一.实验目的 二. 实验原理 四.实验内容及步骤 1.样品的制备 将i-PS样品1mg在250℃熔融5min后(熔融过程中须用氮气保护),放 入蒸馏过的苯100mL中淬冷,溶解,得到i-PS苯溶液10-5g·mL-1。 (2) 在一洁净的培养皿中,注入去离子水如图2(a),与水固约成45。角, 插入一细针,用微量注射器沿细针位置,再滴加i-PS的苯溶液,等苯挥发 后,左右移动细针位置,再滴加苯溶液,如此逐滴加入苯溶液,直至水 面上有白色的薄片析出。 (3) 如图2(b),用游丝镊子夹住一片铜网,铜网上的膜面向下,在水面上 沾取白色薄片,当薄片转移至铜网后,用滤纸吸去多余的水分。将水面 上的薄片一一转移至铜网,凉干。 燕山大学 国家材料综合实验教学示范中心 于金库 The resolution attainable in a powder diffractometer has always been an important subject in the decision for certain equipment. This is especially the case when materials are investigated which are close, but not quite, of a simple space group and thus their reflections very close to each other. Of course, any diffractometer can give excellent results in peak peak width and separation of neighboring peaks, but The X’Celerator is the world’s fastest X-ray detector. The data collection can be carried out much faster, because of the use of RTMS (Real Time Multiple Strip) detection technology. It is like having over 100 parallel detectors in the diffractometer, instead of just one. As a result of this, an increase in speed of datacollection with a factor of up to 100 is routinely achieved. Unlike competitor’s ‘fast’ detection systems, this increase in speed of data collection is not accompanied with a decrease in resolution. Even better, when a high speed of data collection is not required, a scan with a superior data quality can be obtained in the same time. The detection system is mounted on a PreFIX module and can easily be exchanged for other PreFIX modules when other types of experiments are to be performed. There is no need for laborious re-alignment procedures. The use of RTMS detection technology allows for a simple module that does not require any additional calibration or maintenance.


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