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PAGE PAGE 16 第 页 某110kV电力系统继电保护设计 摘 要:本次毕业设计的主要内容是110kV电力系统继电保护的配置,并依据继电保护配置原理,对所选择的保护进行整定和灵敏性校验,确定方案中的保护。 设计分为八个章节,第三、四章是计算系统的短路电流,确定运行方式;第五章是各种设备的保护配置。其中变压器保护包括保护原理分析、保护整定计算和灵敏性校验,主保护采用的是纵联差动保护和瓦斯保护,两者结合做到优势互补,后备保护是复合电压启动过电流保护。母线保护包括保护原理分析,采用了完全电流差动保护,简单可靠。110kV侧的输电线路采用了距离Ⅰ、Ⅲ保护,由于它的电压等级较高,还考虑了零序电流Ⅰ、Ⅲ保护。对于发电机主保护采用了纵差动保护,后备保护采用了发电机定子绕组接地保护。 关键词:短路电流,整定计算,灵敏度,继电保护,微机保护 Abstract: This time graduation design of the main contents be the 110 kV electric power system after relay protection of scheme, and according as relay protection scheme principle,To choice of protection carry on complete calculate with the delicate extent checkout, to assurance project in of protection. The design is divided into eight chapter, chapter 3 and 4 is calculation system of short circuit electric current, assurance circulate a way; Chapter 5 is protection scheme which is various equipments. Among them transformer protection include protection principle analysis, protection complete calculate and delicate extent checkout, central protection is lengthways associated differential protection and gas protection, both combine to attain advantage to with each other repair, spare protection is compound electric voltage start conduct electricity to flow protection. generatrix line protection include protection principle analysis, adoption complete differential electric current protection, simple credibility. The power line of the 110 kV adopte distance Ⅰ , Ⅲ protection, because of it of the electric voltage grade be higher, also consideration zero preface electric current Ⅰ , Ⅲ protection.For generator central protection adopte lengthways associated differential protection, spare protection adopte generator stator connect ground protection. Keywords: Short circuit electric current, complete calculation, delicate


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