【原创】R语言rshiny Spotify数据分析可视化案例报告(附代码数据).docx

【原创】R语言rshiny Spotify数据分析可视化案例报告(附代码数据).docx

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【原创】定制代写r/python/spss/matlab/WEKA/sas/sql/C++/stata/eviews数据挖掘和统计分析可视化调研报告等服务(附代码数据), 咨询邮箱: 3025393450@ 欢迎联系官网客服:/teradat 有问题百度一下“大数据部落”就可以了 In my project I visualize data received from Spotify and additional sources. Here briefly I will explain what my code does. Server contains event listener “onclick”. After inserting token in starts to receive data from Spotify Top 50 Global playlist. There is two moments I want to mention: API data does not contain amount of streams. So I manually download data from parsers and merge these two data sets using “track url”. Because “track name” could be non-unique. API data also doesn’t allow to see genres. To find them I send requests for each artist+track and adds genre and amount of “scrobbles”. Genre request is a very time-consuming process, so there were added progress bar that fills by 1/50 per each track. When all data is received, data sets for charts and node list for dendrogram is created, Proceed function revoke function Test to build charts. Everything goes to UI that shows checkbox “Processed!”, slider for reactive charts and charts by themselves. Table with variables I use for visualization: Bubble chart with release date, artist name and amount of streams. Line plot with streams and scrobbles comparison by the release date time. Red - last.fm. Green - Spotify. Histogram with most popular genres and artists as a “fill” for each bar. Boxplot for albums “explicit” label and genre as well: Dendrogram for genres - artist - songs. Full size: There are still some improvements that could be added, like: error message when token is wrong external function that requests token automatically. But now it is possible to receive token here (after registration) : HYPERLINK /console/get-artist/?id= \h /console/get-artist/?id= Also, here is my website with EC2 instance and Shiny on it: :3838/apps/spotifystats/


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