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黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATII 摘 要 检衡汽车装备有随车吊、砝码等专用设备,用于检测地中衡计量准确度的起重举升专用作业汽车。RL5310JJH计量检衡车的设计是在性能卓越、节能环保的底盘上加装随车起重专用作业装置为基础匹配而成,它采用前置平台式操作方式,经过充分研究计量检衡工况的个性化需求进行了大量的适应性设计,RL5310JJH计量检衡车集机、电、液一体化,既继承了原有检衡车的优点,又大大地弥补了过去检衡车的缺点,一种新型的高效计量检衡装备逐步替代了传统的作业系统,改变了原有装备低效低精度的情况;既节约了使用空间,又提高了检测的效率,具有高度自动化、方便、快速和高效的特点。检衡汽车的使用可以方便汽车衡的检定工作,对于推进汽车质量检定、道路违章检测工作有着重要意义。 文中介绍了RL5310JJH检衡汽车的改装设计说明。对汽车衡、检衡、随车吊、起重机、液压缸、起吊支腿和辅助系统进行了详细设计,并对不同方案进行了比较分析,保证了RL5310JJH检衡汽车的先进性及实用性。叙述了在改装RL5310JJH检衡汽车过程中容易出现的问题及相关专用设备的工作原理,并对整车性能进行了分析。 关键词:专用汽车;汽车衡;随车吊;支腿;砝码 ABSTRACT Inspection balance bikes crane, car is equipped with special equipment, such as Jordan farmar, which is used to detect ground sino-scale measurement accuracy for the lifting lifting operation cars. RL5310JJH measurement inspection car design is in balance performance is remarkable, energy conservation and environmental protection chassis mounted crane special assignment device bikes for a based matching, it adopts front platform utility operating mode, after a full study by the balance measuring personalized needs working on a large adaptability optimizing design, RL5310JJH measurement inspection value car set machine, electricity, liquid integration, inherits the advantages of balance in the original inspection car, and greatly offset by the balance in the past shortcoming, car a new high-efficiency measurement screening scale equipment gradually replaced traditional operation system, change the original equipment of low accuracy, low Both saved the use of space, and improve the detection efficiency, with high automation, convenient, fast and efficient characteristics. Inspection value car usage can convenient truck scale, the verification work for promoting automotive quality verification, road violation detection work has important significance. This paper introduces RL5310JJH inspection car modified design elucidation balance. For truck scale, examining value, the accessory cranes, cranes, hydraulic cylinder, lifted a l


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