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电气工程及其自动化 110KV变电站一次部分初步设计 PAGE PAGE 18 — — 中 文 摘 要 变电站作为电力系统中的重要组成部分,直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行。本论文设计的郊区中间变电站,将郊区水电厂的电量配送给周围负荷用户,剩余部分输送到附近电力系统。该变电站的建成,不仅增强了当地电网的网络结构,而且为当地的工农业生产提供了足够的电能,从而达到使本地区电网安全、可靠、经济地运行的目的。 本论文《揭西县110KV城北变电站一次部分初步设计》,首先通过对原始资料的分析及根据变电站的总负荷选择主变压器,同时根据主接线的经济可靠、运行灵活的要求,选择了两种待选主接线方案进行了技术经济比较,淘汰较差的方案,确定了变电站电气主接线方案。 其次进行短路电流计算,从三相短路计算中得到当短路发生在各电压等级的母线时,其短路稳态电流和冲击电流的值。再根据计算结果及各电压等级的额定电压和最大持续工作电流进行主要电气设备选择及校验(包括断路器、隔离开关、电流互感器、电压互感器等)。 最后,并绘制了电气主接线图、电气总平面布置图、防雷保护配置图等相关设计图纸。 关键词:电气主接线设计;短路电流计算;电气设备选择;设计图纸 Abstract Power system substation as an important part of the entire power system directly affects the safety and economic operation. In this thesis, the outskirts of the middle of substation, the electricity distribution to rural hydropower plants around the load to the user, the remainder transported to the nearby power system. The completion of the substation will not only strengthen the local power grid network structure, but also for the local industrial and agricultural production provides enough power, so that the regional power grid so as to achieve safe, reliable and economic operation purposes. The paper JieXi 110KV substation north of the city a part of the preliminary design, first through the analysis of raw data and selected based on total load of the substation main transformer, the main wiring under both economical and reliable, flexible operation requirements, two to be selected Main Connection program was selected technical and economic comparison, out of poor program to determine the main electrical substation connection program. Second, the short-circuit current calculation, obtained from the three-phase short circuit calculation occurs when short-circuit the voltage level of the bus, its steady-state current and the impact of short-circuit current value. According to the results and the voltage level of voltage and maximum continuous operating current of the main electrical equipment selection and validation (including circuit brea


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