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资料 . 假如你是John, 准备去北京旅游,写一封信给你在北京的朋友张强, 告诉他你将于9月31日乘飞机于7:00pm 到达北京, 请他到机场接你, 帮你预订从9月31日到10月1日的房间,单人间,每晚价格在300元左右。你打算10月1日上午观看60年国庆阅兵典礼,下午游览长城,10月2日上午逛王府井,中午退房,并请他帮买下午3点的机票,飞回厦门。 September 25, 2012 Xiamen Dear friend, Zhang Qiang, I am going to tour in Beijing for two days. I will take the flight CA2189 and arrive in Beijing at 7:00pm. Would you please wait for me at the airport? I will stay in Beijing for two nights. Please help me book a single room for two nights from September 31-October 1, the price of which is around 300 yuan. I am going to watch the dress parade of the 60 anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China on the morning of October 1 and visit the Great Wall in the afternoon. On the morning of October 2, I am going to tour around Wangfujing. I will check out at 12:00am. Also, please help me to book the return ticket to Xiamen at 3: 00pm. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely yours, John. 描述一个生活区, 包括住房, 人口, 周围的环境, 生活配套设施和邻里人们相处的关系等。 There are many new buildings in our neighborhood. Around five thousand people living in it. There is a garden in the middle of the buildings. There are some trees, flowers and some benches for people to sit on. There is a kindergarten, a primary school, a post office, a bank, a supermarket and some small shops in our neighborhood. Around five thousand people live in the neighborhood. They are from different walks of life. There have few chances to contact with each other in the day time when they are working and they stay in their own homes at night. Some children like to play together. There are no quarrels no fights reported in the neighborhood. 目前, 在中国汽车越来越普及, 你对这一现象的看法, 文章必须包括: 1.汽车普及的现象。 2.它给人们带来的好处。 3.它给人们带来的坏处。 4.你提出一些好的建议。 At present, cars are becoming more and more popular. More and more people are buying cars for personal use because cars are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Owning a car, you can travel to anywhere you like. You don’t have to wait for the jammed bus and you can go to a far pl



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