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湖南工业大学本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 摘 要 变电所是联系发电厂和用户的中间环节,它起着电能的变换和分配的作用,是电力系统的重要组成部分。按照功能分类,变电所可以分为升压变电所和降压变电所两种,所有发电厂发出的电力全都需要经过升压变电所连接到高压、超高压的输电线路上,用来将电能输出。然后经过降压变电所降压后再将电能分配到各个地区和用户。我的毕业论文名称为110KV变电所一次主接线及防雷设计。首先通过对原始资料进行综合的分析,草拟两种主接线方案,对这两种主接线方案进行经济技术的比较,从中选择出一种较优的方案。其次进行短路电流的分析与计算,列出短路电流计算结果表,根据此表和电气主接线方案,进行电气设备的选择。然后进行防雷及保护接地和接零的设计。最后,绘制电气主接线图、电气总平面布置图、防雷保护配置图等相关设计图纸。 关键词:电气主接线,短路电流计算,电气设备选择,防雷设计 ABSTRACT Substation is contact power plants and users of the intermediate links, the transformationand distribution of electricity it plays a role, is an important part of power system. In accordance with the functional classification, substation can be divided into two kinds, of step-up and step-down substation substation all needed after all power plants from power booster is connected to the high pressure, ultra-high voltage transmission lines, substation is used to power output. My graduation thesis name for 110 kv substation main wiring and lightning protection design at a time. First of all, based on the comprehensive analysis of original data, draw up two kinds of main wiring scheme, the two main wiring scheme of economic and technical comparison, choose a better solution. Secondly ,carries on the analysis and calculation of short-circuit current, short-circuit current calculation results list, according to this table and the main electrical wiring scheme, for the choice of electrical equipment. Finally, draw the main electrical wiring diagram, electrical total plane layout, lightning protection configuration diagram and related design drawings. Key words: the main electrical wiring, short-circuit current calculation, electrical equipment selection, lightning protection design 第1章 主变压器的选择 1.1 负荷计算 110KV侧: 1.2主变压器台数的确定 变电所主变台数一般在1—4台之间。 对于简易接线变电所通常都装设1-2台变压器。 1.3主变压器容量的确定 主变压器的容量和台数的确定,除了依据输送容量等原始数据外,还应考虑电力系统5—10年的发展规划[1]。 若主变容量选的过大,会使设备能力无法充分利用,不仅造成投资的浪费,还会引起系统运行费用的增加;反之,若主变容量选的过小,将无法满足负荷的供电需求,同时也会使发电机的发电能力不能得到充分利用[2]。 1.3.1变电站主变压器


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