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第26 卷第 3 期 水土保持通报 Vol. 26, No. 3 2006 年6 月 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation Jun. , 2006 0508 陈晓清, 崔鹏, 陈斌如, 齐云龙 ( 中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境 究所, 四川 成都 6 004 ) : 四川省泸定县海螺沟2005 年8 月 日发生了超过 00 a 一遇的特大泥石流灾害。这次灾害点 多、面广, 几乎同时暴发。通过对这次灾害的实地考察, 分析了灾害发生的地质、气象、地貌等方面原因。 灾害主要原因是特大暴雨激发所致。结合该流域历史的泥石流活动情况, 进行了简要的发展趋势分析。 针对当地的社会条件和自然条件, 提出了防灾、减灾对策, 具体分为应急处理措施和后期防治建议。 : 泥石流; 灾害; 成因; 减灾对策 : A : 000 ) 288X( 2006)03 ) 0 22 ) 05 : P642.23 050811 Large2scale Debris Flow in Hailuo Valley and Prevement Countermeasures CHEN Xiao2qing, CUI Peng, CHEN Bin2ru, QI Yun2long ( Chengdu I nst itute of Mount ain H a zar ds a nd Environment , CAS , Chengdu 6 004 , Sichua n P rovin ce, Chin a ) Abstract: On August , 2005, an extremely wide debris flow disaster with return period of more than 00 years took place in the Hailuo Valley, Luding County, the east of the Gongga Mountain. After investigation of the disas2 ter, the causes of the disaster occurrence, including geology, relief, climate and human activities, were analyzed. The main cause to the occurrence was the heavy rainstorm. The amount of daily rainfall was over 88 mm on Au2 gust 2. The trend of debris flow activities was analyzed by referring to historical debris flow. Controlling counter2 measures such as emergency measures and upper mitigation measures are presented through comparing the 0508 hazard with other hazards like the debris flow in Xinping County. eywords: debris flow; hazard; cause; countermeasures 2005 年8 月5 日以来, 四川省泸定县境内的海 6 580 m; 区域内岭谷高差一般 500~ 3 000 m。西侧 螺沟风景区内连续降雨, 自8 月


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