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火电厂电气一次规划设计题 目 二○一一年六月毕 业 设 计(论文) 火电厂电气一次规划设计 题 目 二○一一年六月 毕 业 设 计(论文) 华北电力大学科技学院毕业设计(论文) Ⅰ 发电厂电气一次系统设计 摘要 电能是经济发展最重要的一种能源,可以方便、高效地转换成其它能源形式。当今,火力发电在我国乃至全世界范围,其装机容量占总装机容量的70%左右,发电量占总发电量的80%左右。由此可见,电能在我国这个发展中国家的国民经济中担任着主力军的作用。发电厂是电力系统中生产电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施。它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系起来,将电能输送出去。 本设计是对一高压侧220kV,4回出线,低压侧10kV,10回出线的发电厂一次系统进行的初步设计。该发电厂属于中型发电厂,它除承担向系统供应电能的任务外,还提供地区负荷。本设计将主要从理论上在电气主接线设计,短路电流计算,电气设备的选择,配电装置的布局,防雷设计等方面做详尽的论述。在计算和论证的过程中,结合新编电气工程手册规范,采用CAD软件绘制了大量电气图,进一步完善了设计。 关键字:发电厂设计;短路计算;设备选择 华北电力大学科技学院毕业设计(论文) Ⅱ A DESIGN OF ELECTRIC MAIN SYSTEM FOR POWER STATION Abstract Electricity is the most important energy of economic development which can be conveniently and efficiently converted into other forms of energy. Today,not only in China but also in the world ,the thermoelectricity capacity accounts to about 70% and the power about 80%.So, electricity plays an important role in our country which is a developing country. Power Stations are producing electricity in the power system, controlling the power flow and adjusting the voltage. It will link all levels of voltage power grid through its transformer and will supply power to the transmission system. The tentative design is to the electric main system for the power station which has high-tension side 220kV, four output connections; low-tension side 10kV, ten output connections. The power station is one middle-size station. In addition to assume the supply of power to the power system also to content the region loads. In this design, I will mainly discuss main electric connection design, short circuit account, electric equipment choice, electric equipment layout, lightning strike defending design.During my counting and demonstrating,in order to consummate my design, I will protract a great lot of electric engineering-pictures by Auto-CAD following the new criterion of electric engineering-enchiridion. Keywords: Power station design; Short current calculation; Equipment selection 华北电力大学科技学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目 录 TOC


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