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PAGE PAGE 3 6KV线路进行纵联差动保护的设计 中文摘要: 采用差动继电器作保护的测量元件,用来比较被保护元件各端电流的大小和相位之差,从而判断保护区内是否发生短路。 由于纵联差动保护只在保护区内短路时才动作,不存在与系统中相邻元件保护的选择性配合问题,因而可以快速切除整个保护区内任何一点的短路,这是它的可贵优点。但是,为了构成纵联差动保护装置,必须在被保护元件各端装设电流互感器,并将它们的二次线圈用辅助导线连接起来,接差动继电器。由于受辅助导线条件的限制,纵向连接的差动保护仅限于用在短线路上,对于发电机、变压器及母线等,则可广泛采用纵联差动保护实现主保护。 纵联差动保护是最简单的一种用辅助导线或称导引线作为通道的纵联保护输电线的纵联保护随着所采用的通道不同,在装置原理、结构、性能和适用范围等方面具有很大的差别。纵联差动保护是最简单的一种辅助导线或称导引线作为通道的纵连保护。 输电线路的纵联差动保护是指用某种通信通道 ( 简称通道 ) 将输电线两端的保护装置纵向联结起来,将各端的电气量 ( 电流、功率的方向等 ) 传送到对端,将两端的电气量比较,以判断故障在本线路范围内还是在范围之外,从而决定是否切断被保护线路。 关键词: 电流互感器 差动继电器 纵联差动保护 Differential relay for protection by the measurement device, used to compare the protected device the size of the end of the current and phase difference, so as to judge whether a short circuit protected areas. As the differential protection circuit only when the action in the protection zone, there is no adjacent components and systems to protect the selectivity with problems, which can quickly and removal of the entire protection zone at any point of the short circuit, which is its valuable advantages however, in order to constitute a differential current protection devices, protection devices must be installed in each end of the current transformer and the secondary coils are connected with the auxiliary wire, then the differential relay. Due to the auxiliary wire limitations, the longitudinal differential protection connection is limited to use in short-term way, for generators, transformers and bus, they can be widely used in differential protection to achieve the main protection. Differential protection is the simplest use of auxiliary wires, or as a channel guide wire transmission line for pilot protection for pilot protection with the channel used is different from the device principle, structure, properties and application, ect great difference. Differential protection is the simplest of an auxiliary line as a guide wire, or even the protection of the vertical channel. Transmission line different


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