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内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 摘要 换热器是将热流体的部分 HYPERLINK /view/955172.htm \t _blank 热量传递给冷流体的设备,又称 HYPERLINK /view/1557098.htm \t _blank 热交换器。换热器是化工、石油、动力、食品及其它许多工业部门的通用设备,在生产中占有非常重要的地位。在化工生产中其可作为 HYPERLINK /view/974032.htm \t _blank 加热器、 HYPERLINK /view/36448.htm \t _blank 冷却器、 HYPERLINK /view/238117.htm \t _blank 冷凝器、 HYPERLINK /view/135938.htm \t _blank 蒸发器和 HYPERLINK /view/2566211.htm \t _blank 再沸器等。换热器的种类很多,但是根据冷、热 HYPERLINK /view/84935.htm \t _blank 流体 HYPERLINK /view/62743.htm \t _blank 热量交换的原理和方式上的不同基本可分三大类即:间壁式、混合式和蓄热式。本设计综合考虑了给定介质的性质、温度、压强等因素,最终选定了管壳式换热器中的浮头式换热器。根据文献资料GB150-1998《钢制压力容器》、GB151-1999《管壳式换热器》和《换热器设计手册》等标准对浮头式换热器组成的各零部件结构与强度进行设计校核,其中最主要的部件包括了筒体、封头、管箱、钩圈式浮头以及鞍座等。在本设计中我细心的分析了其危险截面的应力并进行了计算与校核,保证其在实际生产中的安全。同时结合所选定的材料和工作环境制定相应的焊接工艺。 关键词: 管壳式换热器 浮头式换热器 管板 管箱 管束 校核 浮头法兰 Abstract Heat exchanger is the transmission of heat fluid to the cold fluid equipment. Heat exchanger is a general equipment, and played an important role in manufacture, which usually used in Chemical, petroleum, power, food and many other industrial sectors, In the chemical production, it can be used as a heater, cooler, evaporator, condenser and reboiler. There are variety of heat exchangers, however, According to the thermal fluid heat, cold exchange principle and different modes, That basically can be divided into three categories: wall type, mixed type and regenerative type. The design consideration of the properties, temperature, pressure and other factors for a given medium, I select tubular heat exchanger and float head heat exchangers According to the standard of the literature GB150-1998《Steel pressure vessel》,GB151-1999《Shell and tube type heat exchanger》,《heat exchanger design handbook》, I design and check part of the structure and strength of the floating head heat exchanger, in which main components including cylinder, head, tube box, hook and loop type floating head and saddle. In this design, I carefully analyzed the stress of dangerous section wi


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