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Personality and Individual Differences 人格与个体差异 I F: 1.861 ; Behavioural inhibition can be regarded as a temperamental trait which is characterised by the tendency of children and adolescents to be unusually shy and to react with fear and withdrawal in novel and/or unfamiliar social situations (Kagan, 1997). 行为抑制可以作为一种气质特性,是儿童和青少年的一种倾向性特质,在在新颖/不熟悉的社会情境中通常会表现出害羞,出现恐惧的反应和退缩(Kagan, 1997) ; Research has shown that youths who are behaviourally inhibited seem to be at increased risk for developing anxiety disorders。children initially identified as behaviourally inhibited were subsequently more likely to develop anxiety disorders compared to control children 有研究就表明行为抑制的青年会有更大的风险出现焦虑障碍。如果是儿童时期表现为行为抑制,那么相比控制组,在随后更有可能患有焦虑障碍。; So far, research has emphasised that behavioural inhibition is a risk factor for developing childhood anxiety disorders。There is some evidence showing that behavioural inhibition is also associated with elevated levels of depression (e.g., Reznick,Hegeman, Kaufman, Woods, 1992). 到目前为止,研究都强调行为抑制是儿童发展焦虑障碍的一个风险因素。同时也有证据表明行为抑制也和抑郁水平是相关的。 ; Most behavioural inhibition studies have employed extensive laboratory procedures to assess behavioural and physiological features of the inhibited temperament in relatively young children. 大多数行为抑制的研究是应用的是实验程序来评估相对较小的儿童抑制气质的行为和生理特征。 ; Inspired by the work of Reznick et al. (1992) and Gest (1997), Muris, Merckelbach, Wessel, and Van de Ven (1999) recently developed the Behavioural Inhibition Instrument (BII), a self-report instrument for assessing behavioural inhibition in older children. 而Reznick et al. (1992) and Gest (1997), Muris,Merckelbach, Wessel, and Van de Ven (1999)他们编制了自我报告方式来评估行为抑制的工具即Behavioural Inhibition Instrument (BII)来评估年龄较大一点的儿童。 ; So far, two studies have used the BII in order to examine the connection between behavioural inhibition and symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression in children and adolescents 到目前为止,只有两个研究使用BII来研究儿童和青少年的行为抑制和焦虑障碍、抑郁症状之间的关系。 ;


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