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中国饮茶文化对中式茶叶包装结构设计的影响 中文摘要 中国是茶叶的故乡,是世界茶树的原生地。茶叶同中华民族古老而光辉灿烂的文明史一样悠久,这是世界上任何国家和民族都无法比拟的。饮茶文化更是历史悠久、内涵丰富,并融入了中国传统文化的精髓。 包装,即为了在商品流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售,按一定技术方法而采用的容器的总称。现代社会的包装,除了过去被人熟知的保护功能外,还肩负着促销、欣赏,甚至是传承文化的作用。尤其是茶叶包装,便是包装与文化结合的典例。茶叶包装必须拥有自己独特的风格,形成独有的魅力,以此来吸引消费者的关注。 本文从饮茶文化的角度出发研究中式茶叶包装设计的方法,阐述了饮茶文化及中式茶叶包装的演化,对茶叶包装的新趋势进行概括,不但弘扬饮茶文化,还增加茶叶商品的产品附加值。 关键词 茶 饮茶文化 中式 茶叶包装 Chinese tea culture Chinese tea on the structural design of packaging Abstract China is the homeland of tea, tea is the worlds original habitat. Tea with the Chinese history of ancient and glorious civilization as old as it is anywhere in the world state and the nation can match. Tea-drinking culture is a long history, rich in content, and integrated into the essence of traditional Chinese culture. Packaging, namely, the process of commodity circulation in order to protect the product, convenient storage and transportation, the promotion of sales, according to certain technical methods used by the general term for the container. Modern society, the packaging, in addition to previously known protective function, but also shoulder the promotion, appreciation, and even the role of transmitting culture. In particular, tea packaging, packing and cultural integration is the typical example. Tea packaging must have its own unique style, the formation of a unique charm as a way to attract consumers attention. This article from the perspective of tea culture Chinese tea packaging design research methods, expounded Chinese tea culture and tea packaging evolution of new trends in packaging of tea for general, not only promote the tea culture and tea products also increased the product additional value. Key word:Tea Tea-drinking culture Chinese Tea Packaging 研究背景 随着我国社会主义商品生产发展,对外贸易的增长和人民生活水平提高,不但对茶叶的品质要求而且对茶叶的包装质量都提出了更高要求。茶叶是我国传统的内、外贸易商品。从生产者到达消费者手中,需要经过多次的储存和运输,其间必须用袋、盒、桶、箱等包装容器,使茶叶与外界隔离。所谓茶叶包装,就是为了保护茶叶的品质,选用适当的容器和材料,对每一件装茶叶的容器施加各种技术处理,将茶叶与外界隔离的一种装置。包装在茶叶的销售、运输、保管过程中,保护品质,并通过包装表面的美化来增大商品的价值。茶叶包装好比人的衣服。从广义


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