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PAGE PAGE 47 内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:招聘求职网站的设计与实现 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:计算机科学与技术 班 级: 指导教师: 内蒙古科技大学毕业论文 招聘求职网站的设计与实现 摘 要 随着计算机技术和Internet技术的快速发展,网络在各个领域扮演的角色也越来越重要,高校毕业生的实习就业信息领域也不例外。所以近些年来招聘求职网站在各个高校的门户网站中的位置也越来越高。招聘求职网站给学生用户和企业用户提供了一个交流的平台,不仅让企业用户通过网站招聘到合格的人才,也让学生用户更容易的找到心仪的工作岗位。 在做过调研和访问各大就业类门户网站之后,设计与实现了一个基于Web的招聘求职网站。根据网站所需设计和实现的各个功能,决定用B/S架构和MVC开发模式,以Windows win7作为开发平台,采用MySql作为后台的数据库,用功能强大的Myeclipse作为开发工具。系统主要实现的功能如下:管理员可以实现对学生用户、企业用户、新闻公告、招聘会信息、文档信息的添加和管理和对网站留言信息的管理;企业用户可以浏览网站上的所有信息,添加和管理自己企业的招聘信息;学生用户可以浏览网站的信息,生成和投递简历。网站具有良好的可操作性,实现了网上招聘的基本流程,为企业节省了人力物力,缩短了企业和学生之间的距离,有一定的实用性。 关键词:招聘求职网站;Myeclipse;MySql design and implementation of job site Abstract Along with the computer technology and Internet technology fast development, the network in all areas of the role of the more and more important, college graduates of the practice and employment information field is no exception. So in recent years of the practice and employment of campus web site in various colleges and universities of the position of the gateway website more and more is also high. Campus practice employment website to students users and enterprise customers with a communication platform, not only let enterprise users through the website hiring qualified talents, also let students users to more easily find the right post. Do research and visit in the employment class after Web portal, design and implementation of a campus achieve the employment based on Web site. According to the system required design and implementation of each function, decided to use Windows XP as a development platform, using MySql backend database as, with powerful Myeclipse as a development tool. The main function of the realization of the system are as follows: the administrator can realize to the user, enterprise users, students news bulletin, recruitment information, document information and management and to add website message information management; Enterprise users can browse the web site all informa



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