e英语教程3 Unit 3课件.ppt

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1. If one is interested in sports, you cannot miss the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro ( 里约热内卢) in 2016. __________________________________________________ Writing - Writing consistent sentences Read the following sentences and discuss the problems of them in groups. Warm-up 此句中从句主语 one 是第三人称,与主句主语 you 第二人称不一致 2. When I arrived in Xi’an, I find it is a fantastic city. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 此句中从句谓语动词arrived 是过去时态,表示过去发生的事情,主句谓语动词 is 却是一般现在时,前后时态不一致。 3. Grace told Tom bring the novel to me tomorrow. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 句中 bring the novel to me 是 Grace 对 Tom 说的话,直接引用需要用引号注明,间接英语需要转换人称,否则 me 指代不够明确,句子前后不一致。 4. All the students hope to have a computer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 此句中主语 all the students 是复数,而和其对应的 computer 却是单数,不符合逻辑。 5. She reviewed the lessons and all the exercises were finished. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 此句前半句说的是她复习了功课,后半句主语转换为了“练习”,让人以为是话题发生了变化,前后不一致。 Writing - Writing consistent sentences Read the following sentences and discuss the problems of them in groups. Warm-up 一、人称转换 英文写作中,经常会出现一些错误的人称、时态、引语、单复数和主语的转换,造成句子缺乏连贯性、语义不清、表达混乱甚至错误。在英文写作中,要注意下列问题: 二、时态转换 三、引语转换 四、单复数转换 五、主语转换 Notes Writing - Writing consistent sentences 一、人称转换 1. If one is bored here, you can always go home. (?) 2. When I was studying abroad, you never knew what to expect. (?) 1. If one is bored here, he can always go home. 例 1 中的第三人称主语one转换成了第二人称you ,但两个人称指代的对象实际是相同的。例2 中的第一人称主语I 转换成了第二人称you,人称前后不一致。这类错误可以通过统一人称来加以改正。 2. When I was studying abroad, I never knew what to expect. Writing - Writing consistent sentences 二、时态转换 1. When I get home I found my little sister crying. (?) 2. We were watc



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