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34 1 ELECTRONIC M EASUREMEN T TECH NOLOGY 2011 1 3D Hall SBW 1,2 1 2 孟志华 马世伟 朱 伟 ( 1. 上海大学机电工程与自动化学院 上海 200072; 2. 宁波永信汽车部件制造有限公司 上海 20 1805) : A MT DCT , SBW( ) , H ll H ll , 3D H ll x , y , z 3 , 3D H ll SBW , , , , , : ; ; : T N925 : A Improving design of SBW sampling system based on 3D hall sensor 1,2 1 2 Meng Zhihu M Shiw ei Zhu W ei ( 1. School of Mech tronics Engin eering nd Autom tion; Sh ngh i U niversity, Sh ngh i 200072; 2. Ningbo YongXin Autom obile P rts M nuf cture Limited Com p ny, Sh ngh i 201805) Abstract:A s the pplic tion of A MT nd DCT on vehicles, the tr dition l mech nic l ge r shifter system re inste d by t he SBW system, t he most import nt s mpling system of SWB now re re lized w ith SW nd line r H ll sensor , but bot h of them h ve limit tions. 3D H ll sensor c n detect x , y , z 3 different direction positions, so the pplic tion of 3D H ll sensor on SBW shifter posit ions s mpling sy st em c n smoothly intergr ded the Fore/ Aft position s mpling nd T iptronic function in one module. The improving of s mpling system m kes the electronic module more common so it c n be used by different ge r p t tern shifters ( mult-i ngle nd multi-sy stem) . T he improving of s mpling system c n decre se the t ime nd component cost of the component development, nd incre se t he system qu lity nd reli bility. eywords: SBW; ge r position s mpling ; 3D h ll sensor 0 1 SBW , , , , ,


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