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诊断: 消化性溃疡急性穿孔 案例2 男 34岁 右上腹及右肩痛3个月 入院前4个月右上腹不适,3个月前出现右上腹隐痛。随之出现右肩部疼痛,并呈进行性加剧。近1个月夜间疼痛,必须注射杜冷丁方能入睡,按肩周炎治疗无效。后因出现明显体重下降和黄疸,来院检查。 体检发现黄疸和肝大 辅助检查发现转氨酶和胆红质升高,胸透见右侧膈肌升高。超声波检查发现肝脏增大、膈面局限性隆起。 思考题 1. 什么原因使患者发生右上腹痛?列举你知 道的几种病。 2. 为什么有严重的右肩痛? 3. 你认为什么原因使患者延迟了诊断时间? 谢谢 * 1.??????? Quality and severity: perforation with severe dull pain over upper abdomen. It is steady and aching in character. Moreover, the intensity of the pain is dependent on the type and amount of foreign substance to which the peritoneal surfaces are exposed in a given period of time. For example, sterile acid gastric juice causes much more pain than the same amount of grossly contaminated neutral fecal material. Renal colic with severe pain over back radiating to lower abdomen. The pain of obstruction of hollow abdominal viscera is classically described as intermittent, or colicky. The colicky pain of obstruction of the small intestine is usually periumbilical or supraumbilical and is poorly localized. Sudden distention of the biliary tree produces a steady rather than colicky type; hence the term biliary colic is misleading. Pain associated with intraabdominal vascular disturbances is sudden and catastrophic in nature. Pain arising from the abdominal wall is usually constant and aching. 常见症状 腹痛 abdominal pain 由表及里,你能想到哪些引起腹痛的疾病? 腹痛是临床常见的症状,是促使病人就诊的常见原因之一。其病因繁杂,易漏误诊。 * 按起病急缓分为急性和慢性腹痛 * 按治疗方案分为内科性和外科性急腹症 * 按机制分内脏性、躯体性和牵涉性腹痛 病因: 急 性 腹 痛 起病急、症状重、变化快 急 性 腹 痛 1、胸腔内脏器病变致牵涉痛: 肺炎、胸膜炎、心绞痛、心肌梗塞 2、腹壁疾病: 带状疱疹,腹壁挫伤等 注:腹腔内脏器病变和腹壁病变所致的疼痛:腹肌紧张试验。 3、腹腔内脏器疾病: ? 炎症性: 胃肠炎、胰腺炎、胆囊炎、腹膜炎。 ? 梗阻性: 肠梗阻、泌尿系和胆系梗阻。 例:老年男性, 中下腹部绞痛, 逐渐加重伴腹胀、发热, 3天 前腹泻两次, 近2日未解大便。 ? 扭转或破裂: 肠扭转绞榨,卵巢扭转、脾破裂等。 例:青年男性,急性上腹痛2小时就诊,面色苍白、大汗、心慌、Bp:90/60mmHg,HR:120次/分。 ? 血管阻塞: 门静脉血栓形成、肠系膜动脉栓塞。 4、全身性疾病: 腹型过敏性紫癜 急性铅中毒 糖尿病酮症酸中毒


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