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英语课文整体教学初探 学习外语的目的是为了进行语言交际,要达到语言交际的目的,不能只依靠词汇和语法,也不能仅仅依靠句型这样的只言片语。必须依靠连贯的表达,也就是说,学生必须学好段落、文章等大的交际单位——课文,才能逐步掌握外语这一交际工具。英语课文整体教学是从过去以词汇和句型为中心的教学模式上升到以语篇为中心的新型教学法,是英语教学从“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨的途径之一。课文整体教学遵循了语言教学的规律,真正地把语言当作一种交际工具来教,能更有效地培养学生的语言交际能力。 一、?????????? 课文整体教学从“听、说”入手。 要掌握英语这个交际工具,必须进行听、说、读、写基本技能的训练。这些训练也主要是围绕着课文来开展的。课文是对学生进行听、说、读、写训练和语言知识教学的综合材料。课文整体教学从听说入手,能引导学生在课堂上动脑、动口,可以吸引学生的注意力,使学生始终处于积极主动的学习状态。用课文作为听说教材,关键是训练学生听内容、抓大意,听懂了就是理解了,能正确说出来就是会了。所以,老师要有一些相应的措施测试学生是否听懂了。例如,老师可在学生听完课文后,根据课文内容对学生进行问答、填写表格、判断正误或做些单项选择题。现以NEW WAY MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH 《TEXTBOOK III》中的《Stop Thief》一课为例:文章内容如下: Stop Thief ! Anne and Peter were walking along the road towards a stationery shop. A thief snatched Annes handbag and ran away. Theres a police-station near here, Peter said. Lets tell the policemen about the thief. The children ran to the police-station. A police sergeant was writing in the book. Anne told him about the thief. Describe him, the sergeant said. Hes quite short and fat, Anne said. Hes about twenty years old. What was he wearing? He was wearing a T-shirt and old jeans, Anne said. What was in your handbag? the policeman asked. My handkerchief and all my money, Anne said. Forty-five dollars. Four ten-dollar notes and a five-dollar coin. Then another policeman arrived. He was holding the arm of a young man. Thats the man, Anne said. She pointed at the young man. And thats my handbag, she said. I caught him behind the stationery shop, the policeman said. He was looking inside this handbag. I went to him and he ran away. I caught him and arrested him. Can I have my bag, please? Anne asked. The sergeant shook his head. Not yet, he said. Im sorry. I cant give it back to you now. I must report to my chief. Poor Anne. She waited three weeks to get back her bag and money. 老师让学生听了两遍课文后,可向学生提出问题,例如:(1) Where did Anne and Peter go? (2) What did the thief snatch? (3) How did the children do after that? (4) What was in Annes handbag? (5


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