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保险企业文化建设问题研究 摘 要 保险企业具有社会保障管理的功能,因此应该在社会繁荣发展、经济快 速增长、风险不断衍生的形势下承担更多的社会责任并发挥更大的积极作 用。保险企业文化是保险企业发展的精神动力,保险企业文化建设有助于提 升保险企业的竞争力、凝聚力、向心力和创新力,对保险企业的健康、可持 续发展起着举足轻重的作用。因此,保险企业要实现又好又快发展,不仅要 注重资本实力和市场规模等硬性指标,更要重视企业文化的构建,进而提升 保险公司的“软实力”。 保险企业正处于行业的转型期,在市场规范化程度不断加深,竞争层次 不断升级的情形下,为了更好地发挥企业文化在保险业生存发展中的重大作 用,本文从企业文化的内涵等基本概念入手,研究保险企业文化如何推动保 险企业的健康发展。本文首先阐述了选题的背景和意义,保险企业文化的核 心内容,分析了构建保险企业文化的必要性,介绍了当前保险企业文化建设 的现状,探讨了企业文化建设过程中面临的主要问题,最后提出了推动保险 企业文化建设的一系列建议,达到更好地构建和实施保险企业文化的目的。 关键词:保险企业 企业文化 竞争力 i Research on the Culture of Insurance Companies Abstract Social security administration is the function of the insurance companies, which should take more social responsibility and play a more positive under the circumstance that society prospers and the economy develops rapidly with risks continuously derived. An insurance company’s culture is the spiritual motivation for the company itself, the building of which contributes to enhancing the competitiveness, cohesion, solidarity and innovation and plays a decisive role for the healthy and sustainable development of the insurance company. Hence, in order to achieve faster and better development, the insurance company not only needs to focus on hard targets such as capital strength and market size, but put more emphasis on corporate culture, further escalate the “soft power” of insurance company. The insurance companies are in transition. With the deepening of market standardization and the upgrade of competition level, this essay to better play a major role in the survival and development of the insurance industry researches on ho


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