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绯闻女孩Gossip Girl S04E01 ——至百度:你有认真阅读吗?如果没有,请尊重我的劳动成果!所有解释都是我查字典查出来的,字幕也经过了我自己的勘误! 使用说明:(可删掉) 这篇是第一集出来时我手打上去的,请珍惜我的心血,好好把它看完哦~~ 文中As表示人名简称,As表示经典句子,As表示应该注意的短语火词语,As表示解释的单词,短语;浅显易懂的句子没有作解释。放心,只要你是初中以上,我做的笔记就够你用,不必再去对照完全的翻译,否则就失去了看原文的感觉~ Previously:?前情提要 N:?Two years ago, at masquerade ball,假面舞会 I tried to tell you I loved you. S:?You loved me? V:?I have feelings for you, I don’t wanna ruin our friendship. I think we just throw down and see what happens.扔下,扔掉,推翻 S:?I mean, we just fell asleep. D:?After an entire bottle of wine… S:?And one kiss. N:?A kiss is not nothing. people kiss because they have feelings for each other. C:?Blair, you and me are magnetic.有磁性的,相吸引的 Our pull is as undeniable as ever.我们之间存在的引力毋庸置疑。 I’ll be waiting at the top of the empire state building.帝国大厦 At 7:?01,I’m closing my heart to you forever. B:?Hi, I’m meeting a young man here, probably in a bowtie, possibly carrying peonies.领结,牡丹(peony) C:?I did the most romantic thing I could think of, and it didn’t work. J:?I’m sorry. B:?Chuck ?what are you doing? Is there someone in there? C:?No,nobody. B:?Dorota went in to labor.有“分娩”之意 Sorry I was so late. i can’t deny that our path has been complicated, but in the end, love makes everything simple. J:? I wanted it to be special. D:?What happened? E:?You need to ask her. C:?I’m so sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. Blair, will you be——uhh! B:?Humphrey! C:?You,tell her. B:?You didn’t. C:?Blair… B:?You did. You go and never come back. S:?I think I need to be alone for a while. N:?If you’re out, you’re out.如果你现在离开,那就结束了 S:?Nate,I love you. B:?I’m someone who’s not gonna stop looking for love. Which is why I’m going to paris, and why you’re coming with me. S:?I really need this. B:?Me,too. S:?It’s gonna be ok.一切都会好起来的 D:?Georgina,what are you, what are you doing back in town? G:?Congratulations, daddy. He looks just like you. N: I’m not gonna spend the entire summer to wait


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