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JAVA课程管理系统设计与测试 摘 要 高校学生课程管理工作是高等教育中的一个极为重要的环节,是院校学生管理的基础。面对种类繁多的数据和报表,手工处理方式已经很难跟上现代化管理的步伐,传统的文件管理方式进行成绩管理,效率很低,耗时费力,容易出错,安全性也存在问题。特别是在查询上,由于文件过多,带来很多不便。随着计算机及通讯技术的飞速发展,高等教育对教务管理工作提出了更高的要求。尽快改变传统的管理模式,运用现代化手段进行科学管理。本设计研究的是基于J2EE的高校课程管理系统的设计与实现。本系统是基于J2EE开发的成绩管理系统,弥补了人工管理的不足,提高了一定的效率。主要功能包括管理员对教师、学生。课程的管理,教师提交开课申请、查看选课情况、录入成绩。学生查询相关的课程信息、选课、退课、查看课表。该系统为教务处人员提供了强大的课程管理功能,为教师提供了对平时成绩和期末成绩方便的管理,为学生提供了一个方便快捷的查询功能。本设计的开发工具使用MyEclipse,数据库使用的MySQL,框架是struts整合hibernate。 关键词:J2EE;课程管理;MySQL;MyEclipse Course Management System Design and Implementation Abstract College course management is a very important aspect of higher education,is the foundation of college students management. Faced with a wide variety of data and statements, the manual processing methods have been difficult to keep up with the pace of modern management, the traditional document management about grade management, is inefficient, time-consuming effort, error-prone, and also existing security issues. Because too many documents, it brings a lot of inconvenience in the query. With the computer and the rapid development of communication technology, higher education must meet a higher demand. We should change the traditional mode of management and use modern means of scientific management as soon as possible. The design based on J2EE technology mainly research about Implementation of course management system of universities. The system is based on J2EE platform, cover the deficiencies of manual management, and improve the efficiency of management. Main features including: teachers record the grade of students in the term examines, generate the report card to examine. Students can query their information at any time with this system. Administrator can manage the students, teachers, curriculum, classes together. The system for the Registry staff with a powerful performance management capabilities, provide teachers with the usual results and final results for the management, provide students with a convenient and


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