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摘 要 本次设计主要是主要是为了研究武汉市武昌区商业服务可达性,分析武昌区商业服务设施的覆盖密度,了解市民进行商业活动的便捷程度,并且在数据分析之后,根据得出的结论对武昌区商业网点的分布提出建议。本设计内容上主要包括可达性的定义以及测算可达性的模型和评价指标,然后阐述商业服务设施可达性的定义以及目前国内外对于可达性这一领域的研究情况。接着就介绍一下武昌区的发展状况,包括经济发展水平和交通设施建设情况,然后引出商业服务设施的类型,这为后面可达性分析限定了方法的选择。紧接着就利用ArcGIS将武昌区按街道划分为14块,然后分别用密度法、缓冲区分析法、核密度法来分析武昌区的商业服务设施可达性。通过比较分析三种方法之间结果来综合得出武昌区各街道的商业服务设施可达性,然后根据得出的分析结果来说明武昌区现在商业服务设施网点的分布存在的问题以及可以改进的措施。 关键词: 商业服务; 可达性; 密度法; 缓冲区分析法;核密度分析法 Abstract Wuhan is a city based on public transport mode where residents mainly choose public transport as their main trip mode. The purpose of this article is mainly to further analyze the trip convenient level by researching and analysis on the density of bus lines and accessibility of lines in or outside of Jiangan District. Firstly the author will digitize various types of roads, transport facilities and all kinds of surface features based on latest Road transportion map of Wuhan. Secondly, the author will put digital data into the platform of Geographic Information System for deep editing, classifing and grading. Then, the author will survey distribution of bus stations and alignment of bus lines mainly based on electronic map, and use MapInfo software to establish the map of bus lines in Jangan District. Next, analyze density and accessibibity of bus lines according to bus map, and analyze travel convenient level of local residents in Jiangan District of Wuhan. Meanwhile, the author will put forward some strategies of transport development about how to develope bus lines to improve travel convenient level according to analysis results. The article will analysis local road structures and density and accessibility of bus lines in this district on the basis of map. The results show that residents travels in Jiangan District is convenient as a whole. Residents in this area can take bus to their destinations, as well as arrive at their destinations by bus and for some transfers within the region. However, the results also show that there are some pr


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