质量管理培训课件(ppt 157页).ppt

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质量管理培训课件(ppt 157页)

质量管理 Management of Quality;提纲Outline;我国产品质量现状;质量是什么What is Quality ?;质量是指一种产品或服务持续满足或超过顾客需要的能力 Quality is the ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. (customers) 质量是…(美国质量协会定义, ) Quality is ... (from the American Society for Quality, ) 基于产品的设计,客户的看法和如何设计匹配(设计的质量规范) Based on customers’ perceptions of a product’s design and how well the design matches the original specifications (design quality) 一种产品和服务能力,以满足明示或暗示的需要(符合质量) The ability of a product and service to satisfy stated or implied needs (conformance quality) 实现组织内的符合规定的要求。 (符合质量) Achieved by conforming to established requirements within an organization. (conformance quality) 国家标准GB/T 19000-2000对质量的定义是:一组固有特性满足要求的程度。;质量领袖简介 Introduction to Quality Gurus;沃尔特 休哈特 Walter Shewhart (1891 – 1967 );爱德华兹.戴明(1900-1993) W. Edwards Deming (1900 – 1993 );Joseph M. Juran朱兰 (1904 – );质量管理 Quality Management;质量内涵;;质量从哪里来?;质量从哪里来?;丰田的召回事件;设计过程决定了产品的固有质量;质量的决定因素 Determinants of Quality;设计和一致性 Design and Conformance;质量成本Costs of Quality ;质量成本 Costs of Quality;质量成本 Costs of Quality;内部缺陷成本 Internal Failure Costs;内部缺陷成本 Internal Failure Costs ;外部缺陷成本 External Failure Costs;检查成本 Appraisal Costs;预防成本 Prevention Costs;不合规格的工作Substandard work 缺陷产品Defective products 不合规格的服务Substandard service 差劲的设计Poor designs 以次充好的手艺Shoddy workmanship 不合规格的部件与材料Substandard parts and materials;高昂的成本;质量管理的经济性 Economics of Quality Management;质量证书 Quality Certification;ISO 9000 标准/Standards;ISO 9000 质量管理原则 Quality Management Principles;管理体系Management systems 管理体系致力于承担环境保护责任,并把这一责任融入公司的经营管理计划中 Systems development and integration of environmental responsibilities into business planning 组织运营Operations 自然资源和能源的消耗 Consumption of natural resources and energy 环境保护体系Environmental systems 测量,评价和控制放射性物质、废水和其他废弃物的排放 Measuring, assessing and managing emissions, effluents, and other waste;质量管理的分类 Classification of Quality Management;质量保证的阶段 Phases of Quality Assurance;提纲Outline;统计质量控制 Statistical Process Control, SPC;统计过


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